Quercus robur, the horse oak


If you are from the north of Spain or if you live in a temperate-cool climate, it is very possible that you have seen the Oak. It is a native Spanish species, which reaches an impressive height: 35 meters. In addition, it gives very good shade, which is undoubtedly appreciated in summer.

The acorns it produces are edible, so if you feel like eating something healthy and sweet while you’re in your garden, you can savor them in the fall.

Oak flowers

The Oakknown as Roble, Carballo or Pedunculado Oak, is a deciduous tree (that is, it drops all of them in autumn), which has a slow growth rate. Its leaves are pinnatifid, dark green on the upper side and glaucescent on the underside. The trunk grows straight or slightly sloping, and has a smooth bark at first, but as it ages it cracks. The fruit, the acorn, which can be up to 3-4cm long, ripens towards late summer or early fall.

It grows from 0 to 1000 meters of altitude above sea level, and can reach 3000m. In addition, there are some varieties, such as the ‘Atropurpurea‘,’Pendulum‘ or ‘Fastigiata‘.

Trunk of Quercus robur

The charcoal oak is a tree that likes mild climateswithout extremely high temperatures in summer. For this reason, it is only advisable to have them in the gardens if the temperature remains above -17ºC in winter, and below 35ºC in summer. Likewise, the soil must be fresh, deep, and with a slightly acidic pH (5-6’5).

It needs high humidity to grow, so it should be watered often: about 3 times a week in summer and every 4-5 days the rest of the year. During the hot months it can be paid with organic fertilizers, such as guano.

For the rest, it does not need pruning and is very resistant to pests. The only thing I could have would be iron chlorosis in very limestone soils, which can be treated by adding iron chelates, or by fertilizing it with fertilizers for acid plants.

If you are looking for an ornamental plant that gives good shade, put an oak in your life .

Quercus robur, the horse oak

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