Tradescantia zebrina

Of all the plants that we can find in nurseries and garden centers, there is one that is better adapted than any to living indoors: the tradescantia. It has very decorative leaves, whether they are green, purple, bicolor …, and, furthermore, its flowers, although small, are also very pretty.

If you don’t have much experience in growing plants and want to put some green in your home, with Tradescantia you won’t have any problems problema.


Tradescantia is a plant with which you can get very special corners inside the house, since its stems tend to hang, which gives it a very unique appearance. It is very resistant and does not need any special care, although of course, like all plants it must be located in a certain area so that its leaves do not lose color, and be watered every so often. Let’s see what their care is:

  • Location: place in a room with lots of light but not direct. In shady areas it tends to become elongated, and loses the color of its leaves.
  • Irrigation: twice a week in summer, and every 10-15 days the rest of the year. The substrate must dry between one watering and the next.
  • Subscriber: in spring and summer it is recommended to pay. For this you can use any mineral or organic fertilizer, preferably liquid, following the instructions specified on the package.
  • Transplant: every two years, in spring. Use a porous substrate so that the water can drain, such as 70% black peat + 30% perlite. Put a first layer of volcanic clay or pebbles.
  • Pests: it is very resistant, but if the environment is very dry, it can be affected by aphids, mealybugs and spider mites. They can be fought with Neem Oil, or with Paraffin Oil.
  • Diseases: in very humid environments, fungi such as rust or botrytis can affect you. It is prevented by watering too little. It can also be treated preventively with copper or sulfur in spring.

Tradescantia albiflora 'Fluminensis'

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