Decorate your home with hanging plants

Fuchsia flower

Fuchsia flower

Our hanging plants they are excellent for revitalizing the home. Not only will they decorate it, but also, through photosynthesis, they will provide us with oxygen. A gas that, needless to say, is vital for us to live.

In nurseries and garden stores you will find countless plants that can be planted in hanging baskets. As it is very easy to take home more than we had thought, follow these tips that will help you make the right decision.

tradescantia albiflora

tradescantia albiflora

Most plants considered ‘indoor’ are native to tropical climates. In their natural habitat, the humidity is high, so at home we have to provide them with just that: warm temperatures and a humid environment. How to get it? The temperature is easy, since in winter inside the house it does not usually drop below 10ºC, and if it does, we put the heating on so as not to get cold. However, maintaining high humidity for 24 hours is another story.

From my own experience I do not recommend that you pulverize the leaves. It must be taken into account that if the leaf parts remain wet for a long time, it will be very difficult for them to breathe and photosynthesize, so could wither.

Hoya flower

Hoya flower

But don’t worry, there are other ways to do it:

  • putting up bowls with water around the plant
  • Placing it inside a flower pot or a plate filled with a little water, on top of a layer of pebbles
  • Grouping different plants in a corner


Now, if you don’t have much experience in the care and maintenance of plants, or you just don’t have much time for it, with these here you will have a lovely home:

All of them will only need regular waterings, in addition to preventive treatments against pests. Nothing more. An atmosphere that is too humid could harm them, especially succulents, so if the environment in your home is rather dry, you will not need to modify it .

Ficus line up

Ficus line up

So now you know, take advantage of hanging plants to decorate your home and, incidentally, improve air quality.

Decorate your home with hanging plants

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