Most common pests and diseases of palm trees

Leaf damaged by larvae

Our palms They are very unique plants that decorate the garden providing that exotic and tropical touch that we like so much. There are about 3 accepted species, and a good percentage of them are used as ornamental plants in all kinds of areas, especially in those with a temperate or warm climate.

Now, like all plant beings, they too have to overcome various challenges imposed by their enemies. But, What are the most common pests and diseases of palm trees?

Red weevil

Rhinchophorus ferrugineus (red weevil)

There are many insects that are attracted to these wonderful plants, and sometimes when we realize … what was just an insect has turned into a pest that is seriously harming it. Mealybugs (both cottony and called Piojo de San José), aphids, thrips, not counting the dreaded Red weevil y he is the archonThey can do a lot of damage to plants, especially the latter two, since they live inside the bud of the plant and feed on it.

The time when these pests feel most comfortable is in summer, when temperatures are high and the environment is dry. So, it will be at this station when we have to do preventive treatments to protect the palm trees. In the case of the best known pests we can resort to natural insecticides such as Neem Oil or garlic infusions, but when it comes to preventing and / or fighting the weevil and / or Paysandisia we have no choice but to use chemical products that contain Chlorpyrifos.

he is the archon

he is the archon

But not only pests have palm trees, but also diseases caused mainly by fungi. In Spain the most common are Phytophthora and Fusariumwhich can be prevented naturally by doing treatments with sulfur or copper all year round, except in summer. It is important that we control the irrigation to avoid that the substrate is flooded; thus the fungi will not have the appropriate conditions for them to proliferate.

As you can see, palm trees can be affected by various pests and diseases. With these tips, you won’t have to worry about them anymore .

Most common pests and diseases of palm trees

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