The Mediterranean maple, resistant and adaptable

sharp opal

sharp opal

The climatic conditions of the Mediterranean region have made many plants have evolved so much that they have managed to be resistant to drought, high summer temperatures, humidity in the environment and, also, the sea breeze. Such is the case of our protagonist, the Mediterranean maplea rather small tree ideal to have in a small garden, or it can even be kept in a pot for several years.

Let’s know all its secrets.

Acer opalus subsp. garnet

Acer opalus subspecies garnatense, in habitat (Mallorca)

The Mediterranean maple, known in botanical jargon by the name of sharp opalis a tree whose leaves fall in autumn and sprout again in spring, they are green palms. It grows to a height of 20m, but the garnet subspecies does not usually exceed 10m. Its trunk, with gray and pink bark, can reach 1m in diameter. It has a slow-medium growth rate: grows about 5-10cm every yeardepending on the growing conditions.

It blooms in spring, before the leaves sprout, and towards the end of summer its seeds, which will remain inside winged samaras, they will be ready to germinate.

Acer opalus in autumn

Acer opalus leaf in autumn

This is a tree that does not require as much care as others in its family, since turns out to be the perfect candidate to have on limestone soils. In addition, it will withstand high temperatures without problems, as long as it receives frequent waterings, which will be about 2 times a week in summer, and 1-2 the rest of the year. And if it was not enough, withstands light frosts up to -5 ° C.

Although it does not need pruning, if you want to have a tree that provides shade once it has reached a minimum of 3m in height, you have to prune the lower branchestowards the end of winter.

The Mediterranean maple is an exceptional plant. Grateful, will decorate your garden throughout the year.

The Mediterranean maple, resistant and adaptable

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