Decorate your home with a Plumeria

Are you looking for a tropical plant to decorate your home space? If so, this time I am going to introduce you to one whose flowers are… very beautiful, although for many they are something more than that. And it is that Plumeria They are very decorative plants that will dress your house in an incredible way, in a different way than what we are used to.

Follow these tips to have it perfectly cared for.

Plumeria flowers

The Plumeria, also known as Frangipani, is a genus of deciduous trees and shrubs native to the tropical regions of Latin America, such as Mexico or Venezuela. Thanks to its beauty, today it is widely cultivated in all those countries that enjoy a mild and warm climate throughout the year, where it is common to find it on the coasts. Where it is planted, its flowers will aromatize the room giving off a very pleasant scentsimilar to that of vanilla. The Plumeria rubra f. acutifolia is considered a National Flower in Nicaragua.

Its growth rate is neither very fast nor very slow. Yes, you will see differences between one year and the previous one, but it is not a plant that grows fast, especially if we have it in a pot, where it can grow up to 2-3 meters Tall.

Plumeria plantIt is a plant that does not tolerate excess watering; so much so that the trunk can rot in a matter of a few days. To avoid this, it is very important to add pearlite or clay balls to the substrate, which will be composed of peat and compost in equal parts. You can also choose to add about 20 grams of organic compost -such as worm humus, for example-, so you won’t have to pay it in one season. Plumeria should be watered letting the substrate dry between wateringsin order to achieve an adequate development without problems with excess moisture.

What do you think? Do you dare to have a Plumeria at home?

Decorate your home with a Plumeria

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