How to grow ferns | Gardening On

Fern frond

Hello everyone! How did you guys spend Saturday? All right? I’m glad! And, by the way, what do you think if we end it learning more about some perfect plants to decorate indoors? By their own development, many of them are used as hanging plants. Our grandmothers always had one at home, and it is likely that many mothers have inherited this beautiful custom from their parents.

You want to know how to grow ferns?


How to reproduce ferns by twigs

Ferns are plants that have always attracted attention. Most varieties are short, no more than 60-70cm tall, and since they do not have a trunk or an invasive root system, they can be kept in the same pot for many years. Furthermore, they can be reproduced in two different ways: cutting what is known as frond (popularly we say leaf or twig) below the soil surface, or by spores.

To get a new copy, after acquiring your frond you must put rooting hormonesand plant it in a pot with a substrate rich in organic matter. It is highly recommended to use compost with a little perlite (10% of the total will be enough).

Fern fronds

How to sow fern spores

Fern spores are found on the underside of fronds. They are tiny, so it is recommended that are collected in a room where no window is open. Sori should be scraped carefully onto white paper. Once you have them, sow them in a pot with equal parts peat and sandand cover the seedbed with a transparent plastic or glass to maintain a high temperature, around 25 degrees.

It should be watered with rainwater, distilled or without lime, to maintain humidity.

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How to grow ferns | Gardening On

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