Tips for choosing a garden tree


Trees are a very important figure for the garden. Under its shade we can protect ourselves from the sun’s rays during the summer, and we can enjoy its flowers and its budding in spring.

However, a bad decision can cause us problems. That is why today I am going to give you a series of tips for choosing a garden tree, so that you can say goodbye to unnecessary risks.

Garden trees

Due to the great diversity of trees, even in nurseries, it is not always easy to choose one. The first thing to know is that to make a correct decision, these factors must be taken into account: climate (we must make sure it can live in our area), and size (height reached once adult, and the diameter of its crown). Besides the ornamentalityof course. Within the latter, we have to consider whether we are looking for a tree with beautiful flowers, with spectacular buds in spring, or with autumn colors.

As you can see, there are many things to think about, but I don’t like to complicate things. So I’m going to give you a tip: before you go shopping, Visit a Botanical Garden and, when you see a tree that you like, write down its scientific name on a piece of paper. If it is impossible for you to go, it is always best to be advised … u opt for native species that you already know.

the garden

In principle, all the plants that you see in a nursery (near your town) that are grown outside they are suitable for your garden. To guide you, observe that the trees that are going to be immense (such as most Ficus, Fagus, Quercus, many maples), unlike those that are smaller in size (Albizia, Acacia, Jacaranda), although they are now young the same height, the trunk is usually slightly thicker.

Later we will see which are the ideal ones due to their autumnal coloration, the ones that are best in different climates, etc. Are you going to miss it? While you wait check out our blog articles.

Tips for choosing a garden tree

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