Money plant | Gardening On

Money plant

In these times of crisis, we can only rely on good luck. Therefore, the money plant is one of those indoor plants suitable to have at home especially at this time. They say that where there is a money plant, there will be money. It may be true or it may just be a way to get people to acquire these plants.

However, the radiant color of his foliage and the pretty flowers it produces are more than enough reasons to have this plant at home, and not just for beliefs.

It is a plant with leaves round toothed, bright green. It is not a tall plant, but can reach a maximum of 30 centimeters, which develops them in a hanging way. It is ideal to place on a stretcher table or on any wardrobe and let its leaves fall over this furniture.

Its flowers are lilac in color although they can also be purple. It is shaped like a spike with several flowers elongated and very pretty. It usually blooms in autumn, when there are almost no flowers, so it is an ideal plant for the home and that makes us happy when the cold begins.

Requires a lot light, although it can bear the shade well. The direct sun burns its leaves and turns them yellow, although in summer the plant can be taken out to the balcony or in any corner of the outside, but always in a place where the sun will not spoil it. In addition, sunlight helps in its flowering.

You need a irrigation abundant, as it does not tolerate water shortage. We will know when it needs to be watered when its leaves look weak and without their usual color. Of course, the soil must be well drained.

It can play this plant through cuttings in the fall or spring.

More information – How to take care of your indoor plants.

Money plant | Gardening On

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