The magic of creepers or creepers


Our climbing plants, vines, or climbing shrubs they are a most interesting and useful plant species. They are so called because they do not stand upright by themselves, but need a support to climb, such as a wall or a rock. How do they adhere? Well, through its tendril-like organs or through roots or suckers. Some just wrap around a bracket.

Our vines they form a very varied group and there are many species. They are plants that are used to decorate for gardens, terraces and porches as well as to form for arches, columns or pergolas. The most typical are Bignonias, Dama de noche, Ivy, Jasmine, Honeysuckle and Climbing rose.

In nurseries and garden centers there is a great variety that are distinguished by the shape of their leaves, flowers, aromas. They are also ideal for cover walls, lattices, facades, and fences since they give a pleasant shade and are also beautiful and aromatic

There are some species called groundcover suitable for upholstering land and gardens such as ivy, honeysuckle, virgin vine, some Clematis. There is another species of climber that can be grown in pots to support them inside the houses. Therefore, if you have a small garden or little space, the climbing plants will be very practical since when they grow flat and in height they occupy relatively little.

Like the trees, there are deciduous vines (in autumn they throw all their leaves until they sprout again in spring) and evergreen vineswhich keep their leaves all year round.

It is clear that the pclimbing plants They have many ornamental and functional qualities for us to grow abundantly.

More information – Decorate a garden with romantic style II

Source – the info garden

Photo – Garden plants

The magic of creepers or creepers

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