How to cultivate the virgin vine

The Parthenocissus quinquefolia or virgin vine

The Parthenocissus quinquefolia or virgin vine is a plant that we know as one of the symbols of autumn and it must be for this reason that having knowledge about the cultivation of the virgin vine is something of great importance to be able to highlight when adding this beautiful climbing plant in any garden, terrace or balcony for these months of the year.

This is one of the plants preferred by the color it has and because of the unique reflection of each of the tones that are so characteristic of autumn, so we can say that this is the plant that welcomes this season.

The secret of the cultivation of the virgin vine

The virgin vine is a symbol of autumn

This is a plant that has easy care, the fact of grow a virgin vine It will demand little attention from us, comparing it with the beauty that it offers us while the color that characterizes it still remains, which is an intense green and also how it begins to take those shades of orange and red, like the burgundy that are characteristic of autumn .

To cultivate the virgin vine or also known as Virginia vine It is something quite easy no matter what the climate is, being a plant that is found in the countries of North America, as well as in Japan and China, countries that have a climate that is the opposite, in which it can grow very easily.

This is something that can give us an idea that sowing this plant can be adapted to completely different climatesapart from the fact that we have the possibility of enjoying it for a long time since we can sow it both in the fall and also in the spring.

What is of great importance for the cultivation of the virgin vine, is that we can correctly choose an area where to plant it, since as she is a climberWe have to place it at the base of a wall, pergola or any other element that is vertical and where we want to decorate in a completely natural way.

Likewise, we must observe that the fact of sow the virgin vine It is something that has to be done in areas that are semi-shaded or that have full shade. There is the possibility of being able to grow it in the same way in the sun, but the safest thing is that by depriving it of light we can achieve positive results.

On the other hand, it may be very important that we choose a site that has excellent drainage and also that we have to make a hole about 50 centimeters deep. We must bear in mind that this is a plant and that in order to have that type of growth so full of vigor and that characterizes it so much, enough space is necessary for its roots to have healthy growth.

The secret of the cultivation of the virgin vine

Since sowing is essential for growing the Virginia vine, it is necessary to place some mixture of mulch, organic matter as well as compost. This is a way to offer the highest amount of nutrients from the beginning and to support in this way a stability in a correct way to avoid suffering from the transplant.

With reference to the moment of watering the plant, this is an element of great importance and that is within the care of any plant, as well as for the cultivation of the virgin vine, since we must keep it this way during the first days of the plantas well as to lower this pattern when the vine is rooted as well as settled, either directly on the ground or also in pots.

It is very important to bear in mind certain aspects, such as, for example, the small black fruits and that they are quite similar to grapes, but cannot be eaten. On the other hand, it is important to take certain precautions regarding its growth.

How to cultivate the virgin vine

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