As we have seen previously, opt for the multiplication of succulent plantswhere we include cacti, it is not only important to have a garden full of these wonderful and beautiful plants but also because it is a way to do it easier and cheaper.

To do so we must take into account that there are 5 possible methods. These are as follows:

  • With Seeds
  • With cuttings
  • With the division of kills
  • The suckers
  • The graft

Today we are going to talk and explain the first method for the multiplication of succulent plants and cacti, by cuttings.

Surely you are wondering, why do it by cuttings?

  • It is one of the easiest and most frequent ways to multiply these types of plants.
  • By means of this method, new plants can be obtained in less time, while by seed they can take a little longer.
  • Due to the fact that there are some succulent plants and cacti that cannot be multiplied by seeds, either because they do not have a flower or simply because they are sterile, it is necessary to use cuttings to be able to carry out the multiplication process.
  • There is a type of plant, called variegate or variegated that have a genetic anomaly which consists of the partial or total lack of chlorophyll. This type of plants can only reproduce and multiply by means of cuttings, since by seeds it could not be possible.

Among the types of cuttings that we can find, are: Leaf cuttings and stem cuttings. The first ones are quite easy to do, you should cut the leaves, let the wounds dry for at least 7 days, introduce 1 centimeter into the ground, and be patient, after about a month leaves will appear attached to the mother leaf.