Pink flower periwinkle

Although it is still cold we have almost nothing left to get back to spring, and what better way to start it than by planting plants whose flowers are colorful and exotic? Today we show you 4 exotic flowers that you can incorporate into your garden this spring.

catharanthus roseus (Also known as Pink vinca)

It likes humidity, although its best place to grow is a sunny, well-drained space. Its leaves are glossy dark green and its individual flowers are in shades of red, pink, purple, and black. In addition to the traditional forms we can also find its pendant variety.

Rehmannia angulata

Rehmannia angulata

Its origin is from China and reaches up to 60 cm in height. During the summer it produces pretty tubulating pink flowers that are 5-7 cm long. It prefers well-drained and moderately fertile soils, exposed to full sun or partial shade. In winter they can be put into pots and allowed to spend the cold season in a cool (7ºC) and dry place.

Rhodochiton atrosanguineum

Rhodochiton atrosanguineum

This is a beautiful climbing plant that deserves to be known. Its growth is fast and reaches up to 3 meters in height. Its leaves are heart-shaped and it offers pretty hanging tubular purple flowers with dark red sepals, visible from summer to fall. You need rich, moist, drained soil in full sun.

Guinea pig climbing

Guinea pig climbing

Its fickle stalks are launched vigorously at the assault of fences, trees and walls. It can reach a height of up to 4 meters, its leaves are large and its flowers are white or purple and softly scented.