Tree Fertilizer | Gardening On

As we have seen previously, there are some factors that we must take into account when planting a tree in our garden. In addition to taking care of the irrigation and avoiding generating puddles so that the rotting of the roots and later the death of the plant does not occur, we have to make sure that we fertilize our tree.

Although not much care is usually taken when tree fertilizerIt is important that we do not neglect this procedure that can bring many benefits to our plant and our garden in general. If our tree is planted in soils that lack the necessary nutrients, that is, poor and bad soils, it is vitally important that we fertilize our trees.

The subscriber process it can be done once a year, or every other year, that is, one year yes and one year no. What we must do is add more or less 2 kilograms of organic compost, which can be manure, mulch or another type of compost, to a little soil. In the same way, we can also spread 80 grams of slow-release mineral fertilizer for each tree that we fertilize.

It is very important that you remember that if you are going to use organic compost, the fertilizer must be done during the winter season. If you use mineral compost instead of organic compost, you should carry out this task during the spring or fall.

If for some reason, the trees you are thinking of fertilizing are planted on the lawn, I recommend that you avoid fertilizing them as we mentioned above, since the fertilizer you use in the meadow will be enough to nourish the trees you are planting.

Tree Fertilizer | Gardening On

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