An indoor plant for every space in your home


Our inside plants they always give a pleasant, decorative and unique touch in our home, however, their needs for light and humidity make it difficult for us to choose the most suitable place for them. Today we recommend an indoor plant for each space in your home.

Benjamin fig tree

Ficus: For the living room

We can find the ficus in numerous varieties, with large spoon-shaped leaves or small and narrow, dark green or light green, you will have a choice between more than 700 varieties. This plant likes heat and humidity, it is strong and requires little care, basically it will need to receive enough light and keep the soil moist.

Spathiphyllum (See the first image): For the room

Large or small, its leaves are flexible and dark green. When the soil is dry, the leaves hang slightly, as if sleepy, and when they have the necessary humidity again they regain their vigor, looking slender. It offers elegant white flowers with a soft aroma, there is a variety whose flowers are green, but it is still scarce and difficult to find.

Glorious yucca

Yucca: For the dining room

They exist in different sizes and you can choose it according to the space in your home. Some varieties have their leaves long and sharp at the end, others are softer to the touch. This plant can almost stand on its own since it is used to desert environments. It retains water in its leaves and reserves it for the driest seasons. Watering it 2-3 times a week will be enough, she will know how to manage the water according to her needs.

An indoor plant for every space in your home

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