Learn all about how they create a Kokedamas garden

decorate with Kokedamas

Having a fabulously decorated home can seem like an impossible task. However, there are many alternatives that you can do yourselfwith which you can achieve a designer-style finish.

One of these alternatives is coke. These are fabulous gardens that will give your home a new look and you definitely can’t stop trying, so if you want to know how to make a kokedamas garden Keep reading this article and learn how to give your home a new look!

What are Kokedamas?

The first thing you should know are some concepts, since the Kokedamas mean moss balls in Japanese and they are basically known as the bonsai of the poor

as they grow very slowly.

Kokedamas gardens are decoration techniques made with plantsbeing very simple to do. It only consists of replacing the traditional pots with clay balls that keep the water retained, but with the difference that this ball is lined with mossso that it looks totally natural.

Advantages of Kokedamas

One of the advantages of Kokedamas is that you can place any type of plants in these balls.

However, many find it a delicate process, as the plants are fully exposed. While is true that the level of exposure of the plant is higher than in a potthe real care that has to be taken is when handling the plants, since not all are handled in the same way. The Kokedamas also keep plant nutrients concentratedso it is easier for the roots to absorb them when they need it and also has the advantage that the roots can be more aerated.

What do you need to make your own kokedamas?

These are the materials you will need:

  • Moss that absorbs enough water
  • Bonsai soil
  • Clay (Preferably akadama)
  • Plants that grow slowly and have little development
  • Water
  • Green wire or rope

How to make your own Kokedamas garden?

This process will seem very simple, but still you must be careful to try to do everything to the letter and when handling the plants, so this is what you should do:

First you must mix a part of clay with a part of earthadding water until you can form a consistent mud.

Knead well and after you have obtained your consistent mixture, with your hands begins to form a ball around the roots.

Begin to wrap the base of the plant with the moss and for it to adhere to it, you must fix it with wire.

garden with Kokedamas

Clever! You have already formed your Kokedama. Now alone You must add another wire to be able to hang your Kokedamas all over your house.

Remember to inform yourself well in the stores where you buy the plants what is the care you should give them, as with the moss and above all handle plants with careas these can be injured or suffer abrasions

What care does your Kokedama need?

This type of plants they need a lot of light and usually require the direct sunlight for several hours a day (preferably in the morning), otherwise they will not be able to grow healthily.

Direct sunlight, on the other hand, could damage plants that prefer semi-shadewith the exception of a few rays of sun during the first hours of the morning or at night, avoid placing them facing south.

Indoors or outdoors?

The Kokedamas are primarily for indoor usebut this does not mean that they cannot be placed outdoors from late spring to late fall. The only thing, if your Kokedama is kept outdoors you should make sure that the balls are not exposed to direct sunlight (or only for a very short period of time), because they dry much sooner and the moss will quickly lose its beautiful green color, turning into a horrible yellow color, since in addition, as we have said before, some plants can burn.

Learn all about how they create a Kokedamas garden

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