Why choose grass? | Gardening On

Cynodon dactylon

If you have a large garden, you probably want to have a beautiful green carpet where you can walk or even rest, right? But choosing a species of grass to plant can be a very complicated task, as there are many and more and more.

So, if what you want is one that is easy to care for, I am going to recommend one: the grass. It grows fast and forms very beautiful lawns. Perhaps the only drawback is that it does not resist the cold much, but that has a solution .


The grass, also known as Bermuda grass, Grama fina or Gramilla, and whose scientific name is Cynodon dactylonis a perennial herb that is widely used for lawns, since it has the advantage that it can be used both as a single species and in combination with others. Although it is very easy to maintain, it must be taken into account that if the temperature drops below 0º the cold affects it, so to keep it always green, it is usual to resort to re-sowing in autumn. Anyway, in spring it sprouts well … and as if that were not enough, you can choose to purchase the Cheyenne variety that withstands cool temperatures somewhat better.

Otherwise, It must be planted in areas exposed to direct sunlight and watered regularly every 2-3 days. It resists drought better than other species of herbs, so if you want to save water with irrigation but want to have a very beautiful lawn, grass is for you .

Natural grass

Let’s talk now about its care as a lawn:

  • Subscriber: During spring and summer, it should be fertilized with nitrogen-rich fertilizers.
  • Scarified: frequent.
  • Cut: the cutting height should be between 2 and 5cm.
  • Plagues and diseases: It’s very tough. If the environment is very humid, it can be attacked by the Sclerotinia homeocarpa fungus, called Dollar Spot, in which case it would be necessary to do treatments with systemic fungicides.

And in addition, it resists trampling without problems. So what are you waiting for to have a beautiful and easy-to-care lawn?

Why choose grass? | Gardening On

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