Don’t be fooled by roses that don’t exist

Blue rose

A couple of days ago we were talking about how to have our own rainbow roses, following a series of simple steps without having to go to a laboratory to get one of these beautiful flowers at home. Now, there are many of us who can make the mistake of thinking that this type of colored rose bushes can be obtained by seed. That is why we are going to explain to you how they get these surprisingly colored flowers, so that they do not fool you with the seeds with roses that do not exist, since blue, rainbow, green or black rose bushes are the product of human handsand they will not be found in nature.

In fact, today all the rose bushes that are put up for sale were obtained by cuttings from the mother plant, to obtain clones of it.

Black Pearl Pink

The colors of a flower are determined by three different pigments: Flavonoids, carotenoids and betalains. They all produce ranges of colors ranging from red to purple and yellow to orange.

One of the most common forms of flavonoid pigments are anthocyanins. Engineers can modify biosynthesis of these pigments to obtain varieties of flowers with colors that, through hybridization or artificial selection, are more difficult to obtain.

Rainbow rose

For example, to obtain blue roses, the Japanese company Suntory together with the Australian company Florigene, managed to obtain flowers of that color. cloning a gene for the petunia flavonoid enzyme and inserting it into a rose called Cardinal de Richelieu. The result did not convince them, since the flowers still retained the pigment to form the pink color. So they had to work harder and incorporate the gene to synthesize delphinidinwhich ensures that the flowers acquire the blue color, and also they needed to knock out the expression of the red pigment gene.

If you want to get green or black roses, you must resort to this method. That is why, if you want to be able to grow your own roses of different colors, it is best to obtain them from cuttings, since to be successful with the seeds you must have the right equipment to be able to modify their genes.

Do you have any doubt? If so, wait no more and Get in contact with us.

Don’t be fooled by roses that don’t exist

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