When and how to prune geraniums

Geranium flowers

The geraniums They are very decorative plants and very easy to care for; so much so that they are one of the most recommended for beginners, as they only need to be in an area with a lot of light, and regular watering, preventing the substrate from remaining flooded for a long time.

But in addition, it is also recommended to cut the stems, since otherwise they would end up growing too much. Discover when and how to prune geraniums

When are geraniums pruned?

English geranium

These plants are pruned in autumn, although if you live in a climate where frosts occur in winter, it is more advisable to wait for spring. Geraniums do not resist the cold very much, so if they are pruned after the summer, they may not have enough time to recover, and when temperatures drop below 0ºC they will end up with damaged leaves. For this reason, it is important that during the cold months it is kept inside the home.

On the other hand, if you live in a mild climate, even if there are mild frosts (down to -2ºC) and of short duration, you will see that, even and after pruning, will continue to growyes, more slowly.

How to prune geraniums

Geranium with red flower

Pruning will make the plant look more compact, and with more flowers. In fact, when you cut a branch, or trim it, what you do is “force” it to grow lower branches, so the end result can be spectacular. To achieve this, you have to:

And if you want to have new geraniums, cut some branches from as close as possible to the main stem, and plant them in a pot with black peat mixed with 20% perlite. They will root in just one or two weeks at most.

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When and how to prune geraniums

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