Prevent your plants from pests with Neem Oil

Neem oilAceite de Take

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Currently, when we go to a nursery or garden store, we find a shelf full of chemicals that, although they are very effective as long as they are used correctly, are harmful to the environment, to the point that if we use them intensively In the garden, we could end up having a soil that is poor in nutrients and in life, both plant and animal. To avoid this, it is highly recommended to combat pests and diseases with natural remedies, such as Neem oil.

This is a completely ecological insecticide, as it is made by extracting the oil from the fruits and seeds of the Neem Tree, so you will not have to worry about your garden or your health .

Azadirachta indicates

azadirachta indica

This insecticide, as we said, comes from the Neem Tree, whose scientific name is Azadirachta indicates. If you want to make this natural remedy at home, and by the way save some money, you must bear in mind that it is originally from India and Burma, where it grows up to 20m in height. It is a plant that does not resist frost, so its cultivation is only recommended in tropical or subtropical regions.

If you live in a warm climate, and since it is a very fast growing plant, you will simply have to wait for it to bear fruit to be able to grind and press your seeds.

Against what pests is it effective?

Aphids on rosebush

aphids on rose bush

This is a very broad spectrum insecticide, which you can also find in nurseries, and which helps to control and combat the following insects: aphids, mealy bugs, whitefly, thrips, cockroaches, spider mite, cabbage caterpillar, thrips, leaf miners, locusts, nematodes… In short, if you have a plant with an insect that is damaging it, spray it with Neem Oil for 7-10 days, and it will surely improve.

Have you heard of Neem Oil?

Prevent your plants from pests with Neem Oil

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