Why does my monstera have brown leaves?

Monstera deliciosa has large, green leavesMonstera deliciosa has large, green leaves

Image – Flickr / Hornbeam Arts

The monstera is a tropical plant that can grow very large. This is a characteristic that many of us love, because it is a joy to be able to enjoy a plant like this, either inside the house or outside when the temperatures allow it. Because we are very concerned when we see some leaves turn brownSince it is normal for us to think that something is wrong with it, and that we must take measures to prevent the problem from getting worse.

But, while it is true that when something happens, the leaves are usually the first to show visible symptoms, it is also true that certain problems have a simple solution. To give you an idea, below I am going to tell you what are the possible reasons why the monstera can have brown leavesand what should you do so that it does not get worse.

The leaves have a limited life expectancy.

The monstera has large leavesThe monstera has big leaves

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Forest & Kim Starr

In other words: leaves turning brown may simply have reached the end of their lives. This is not a problem, but it is a completely natural occurrence and it does not imply that the plant is sick. All, be they trees, palms, herbs, etc., do the same.

But, how to know that this happens to the monstera? Well, it’s easy: the first leaves to die are always the lower onesas they are the “oldest”, and therefore, the ones that have been performing their functions for the longest time. The rest of the plant remains green and healthy; if this were not the case, then it would have a problem.

it’s getting cold

Is your monstera away from home? This is a bad idea if temperatures drop below 0 degrees and she is not protected, as Although it can withstand the cold, frost causes irreversible damage.. So if you see that the leaves turn brown quickly and there are no other symptoms, especially if this happens during autumn-winter, your plant is probably feeling cold.

So take it home and cut off whatever is dry (ie brown).

It is exposed to drafts (indoors)

Monstera deliciosa is easy to care forMonstera deliciosa is easy to care for

Image – Flickr / Maja Dumat

This is a problem that is not usually thought about when you have indoor plants, but it is one of the most frequent. Drafts from fans, air conditioning (either hot or cold air), and other appliances cause leaves to turn brown.. Why? Because they dry out the environment, and make plants, like the monstera, have great difficulty staying hydrated.

Luckily, it is solved simply by changing the room.

Need more light or clarity

Monstera whoMonster care

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Monstera who

This is something that also happens a lot indoors: the monstera is a plant that cannot be placed in a dark room, as its leaves would end up losing color and turning brown. Thus, It is very, very important to place it in one where there is a lot of light, but not direct light.

In its place of origin it grows under the shade of other plants, so its foliage will not withstand the direct impact of the sun’s rays that may enter the house.

It has been watered too much, or it is getting thirsty

The Monstera obliqua is a green plantThe Monstera obliqua is a green plant

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Irrigation. How is it controlled? Monstera is not a plant that requires a constant supply of water, but neither should we let the soil sit dry for weeks to the point of the leaves folding up or turning brown. And it is that whenever we have doubts we must check the humidity of the earthsomething that we can do with a thin wooden stick for example. If we insert it to the bottom, and then carefully remove it, we will see if it is wet or not. In the first case we would not water, but if it were dry then yes.

Now, How to know if the problem is in irrigation? By the symptoms that the plant will show:

  • Lack of irrigation: the first leaves to have a hard time will be the new ones, since the roots do not find enough water to quench their thirst. In extreme cases, especially if it is summer, you may also have mealybugs.
  • Excess irrigation: the first leaves to turn brown will be the “oldest” ones, since they are the first to receive that water as they are closer to the roots. In addition, the earth will look very wet, and fungus may appear.

To solve the lack of irrigationWhat we will do is water consciously. If the earth is very dry and we see that it does not absorb water, we will submerge the pot in a basin with water and leave it like that for approximately half an hour.

By contrast, if it has been watered morewe will suspend the irrigation and we will apply fungicide (for sale here!). Also, if it is in a pot without holes, we will have to plant it in another that does have them with a universal substrate such as this.

has pests

The monstera is very resistant to pests if it receives the necessary care, but even if it is perfectly cared for, sometimes we can see that it has a mealybug. The most common are the cottony mealybug, and the San Jose louse. The first is easy to identify because it looks like cotton; the second, on the other hand, is more difficult, because it looks like a very small brown scale. Of course, both perch near the veins of the leaves, and can be removed with the fingers (the San José louse is easily removed with the nail).

Anyway, I recommend applying an insecticide that eliminates mealybugssuch as diatomaceous earth (for sale here!), which, being a natural and non-toxic product for people or pets, can be used without problems both indoors and outdoors. Here is a video in which I talk about this product:

So, I hope your monstera will stop having brown leaves soon.

Why does my monstera have brown leaves?

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