Pink Acacia: Learn all about this false acacia tree

The pink acacia or pink acacia and even as false pink acacia are some of the names given to this type of acacia which bears the scientific name Robinia hispida which belongs to the Fabaceae family of plants. This tree is widely used to provide shade and to decorate large gardens and parks, but its branches are weak to extreme blizzards. It is generally a tree but many grow them as ornamental shrubs that, although they do not need great attention, can be trimmed once a year. Its main characteristic, as its name says, is its pink flowers that hang in acacia

Description of the pink acacia

The pink acacia is a deciduous tree, that is, it loses its leaves in certain seasons of the year, which can measure between 5 and 6 meters high. pink acaciaIt is complemented by leaves that are light greenish and have slightly smaller leaves, which can have from 12 to 15 pairs of oval-shaped leaves that have a short tip at the end and a trunk lined with many brown bristles. Its flowering occurs at the end of the spring season, being this hermaphrodite and composed of 5 open petals that can measure 2 cm that make up the flower, falling in the form of pink clusters that hang at the end of each branch.

After this tree blooms, its legumes begin to emerge in the form of brown pods that can be up to 8 cm long. This tree is adaptable to many types of soil, but not in those that remain very humid or waterlogged, as well as in various environments where it can receive direct sun or in places where it is occasionally covered by shadows.

Distribution and habitat of the pink acacia

The pink acacia is native to the northern region of the American continent, being its current place of distribution in the southeastern region of the United States, but since 1743 it began to be transferred to the European continent on transatlantic voyages. pink acaciaThis acacia has the advantage of being able to live under any soil, since it is easy to adapt to climates of drought or semi-shade, locating itself in sheltered areas from extreme winds. When it lives in good conditions, it requires more non-direct sunlight for a long time and in land that can be kept humid but not filled with water.

The pink acacia can also be found in regions where it has cool floors near forests that are on the banks of rivers or enduring altitudes of up to 1600 meters above sea level, so it shows a great sense of adaptation, tending to multiply asexually, since that the new shoots that appear on the roots after coming to the surface deviate from the main tree so as not to compete.

History of the pink acacia

Pink locust has its beginnings in the central and eastern United States, where it was later brought to Europe around the 17th century, where it has since been distributed both alone and through travel to other countries of the world. everyone since it is very adaptable to different climates and due to its appearance it is ideal as decoration for gardens or streets. At first it was taken to the Iberian peninsula and distributed in gardens in cities such as Madrid and later in peninsular gardens that later took control of these natural environments. Then they were placed in urbanized areas such as home gardens, public parks, avenues, among other places with constant passage.

Cultivation of the pink acacia

pink acaciaThe pink acacia is a plant that does not require special attention since in order for it to be maintained it only needs a place where it can receive good sun and that does not reach it directly or for a long time, remembering that it does not need water in excess since it is evolutionarily adapted to droughts, but despite this it can be maintained in areas with cold climates until strong winters. For its cultivation, it can be done by sowing its seeds, but the most effective and fastest method is by grafting in the place where you want to transplant or near the base of a Robinia pseudoacacia so that it can absorb nutrients from it and grow. I feel a stronger tree.

Care and uses of pink acacia

The pink acacia does not require a specific environment since it is easy to adapt to different climates, it must be cultivated in a soil that remains cool but does not remain submerged in water, in addition to this it needs sunlight and little irrigation, and it requires to be pruned in late summer mainly in its young age so that it can look like a shrub. It is generally used as an ornament in gardens and parks, as is the case with the acacia macracantha and even in divisions of roads in avenues and acacia

Pink Acacia: Learn all about this false acacia tree

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