Adam’s rib diseases: how to solve them

Adam's rib disease

Monstera, also known as Adam’s rib, is one of the easiest plants to grow due to its great adaptability. Its location is more suitable for interiors, and in addition to being a natural source of oxygen, it also helps in decoration. Since it is a species with a tropical air, it is loved by many who want to enjoy an environment with these characteristics. If you don’t get the care you need, there are several Adam’s rib diseases they can attack you.

For this reason, we are going to dedicate this article to telling you what the main diseases of Adam’s rib are and how to recognize them.

Necessary care

Adam's rib diseases at home

Monstera can be planted from spring to summer, taking care not to overexpose it to the sun. It is a plant more suitable for indoor use, so does not require tall pots for rooting. If doing it outdoors, it’s best to choose an area near the trunk to lean on. Also, it is important to avoid direct sunlight, especially in summer.

The soil must have enough nutrients so that the plants can grow better. If planting in pots, it is best to mix garden soil with special potting soil with a little organic matter such as manure. If it is outdoors, it is necessary to enrich the garden soil with organic matter (such as sufficient fertilizer) in the selected area, stirring vigorously. It is best to do this process a few weeks before transplanting to ensure that the nutrients have penetrated the soil.

Watering is done with the help of a watering can. gardening, which helps to regulate the flow and the correct direction. This should look towards the base of the plant and avoid wetting the stems, aerial roots and leaves, as rotting can occur.

As for the amount of water, it should be moderate and always look at the ground first. Logically, this flow should be reduced in winter because the water evaporation process will be slower and we do not want to drown the roots. The normal thing is to water 2 to 3 times a week since the soil takes about 2 days to dry at an average temperature of 20ºC. When winter comes, it is better to reduce this frequency as the soil takes longer to dry.

Requirements to avoid Adam’s rib diseases

yellow leaves

One of the main considerations about the monstera is the care of its stems when the roots begin to sprout. These are airborne and can cause some discomfort to those who do not understand the behavior of the species. Nevertheless, it is important to note that they should not be cut, but can be gently pinched at the tip to stop growth.

Adam’s rib doesn’t usually thrive indoors, but it does thrive outdoors, where it can be used as a vine to support the trunk. This flowering bears fruit and, unlike other plant species, does not require the support of fertilizers to proceed actively. In the case of pruning, it should be done in spring.

Adam’s rib disease

diseased leaves

If the above requirements are not met, Adam’s rib may suffer from certain diseases. Let’s analyze what they are

blackened leaves

This problem can occur for the following reasons:

  • Rotten roots
  • Sunburn
  • Nutrient deficiencies, fertilization
  • Disease

Root rot can be caused by too much water. If that’s the case, it’s hard to fix. If we had any hope, we could change our Adam’s rib from the soil and transplant it into a soil rich in organic matter and well drained. There’s an easy fix for sunburn, change the location of the monstera and you’re good to go. If your monstera needs fertilizer, a little during watering and bioparticles in the substrate will do just fine. Finally, if they suffer from diseases caused by fungi, it is necessary to use ecological fungicides.

Brown leaves

It usually occurs for the following reasons:

  • Excessive watering
  • Irrigation shortage
  • Low humidity

With self-watering pots, the monstera can absorb as much water as it needs, saving water and avoiding excesses and unnecessary droughts. We also recommend misting the leaves frequently to increase humidity.

Yellow sheets

  • Excessive watering
  • Bad drainage
  • Low light
  • Plague


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If you suffer from excess water, we can water at intervals or use autonomous and progressive irrigation methods. For good drainage of the substrate, the addition of perlite is recommended. If the light is not good, it is best to change the position of the monstera and put it in a place with good light. There is nothing better than using a good ecological pesticide.

rolled sheets

  • Lack of irrigation
  • Low humidity
  • Dryness
  • root damage
  • lost heat

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If we find that our monstera is dry, under-watered, under-humidified and overheated, we can relocate it, use a pot as the watering method and add moisture with a humidifier, or for a cheaper option, place it in our bathroom.

Fallen leaves

  • Irrigation shortage
  • Dryness
  • Plague
  • Stress during transplant

Addressing drought is always preferable to over-watering. We must follow a constant irrigation that adapts to the needs of our monstera to make sure it grows up healthy and happy.

If you have any plague, we can use potassium soap every three days during the treatment. In the end, our Adam’s rib reports many times that they are stressed during the transplant or uncomfortable in their new home. If this is the case, relocate the plant to a location that meets conditions most similar to its natural habitat.

Leaf spots

  • Improper temperature
  • Sunburn
  • Rotten roots
  • Pay
  • disease/fungus

Once again, one of the main problems is the location and the irrigation. Monstera can be uncomfortable in this state or in its poorly drained substrate. To improve your status, choose to relocate and use a high-quality substrate rich in organic matter.

We also can’t forget that our monsters don’t just live in the water. Adam’s rib in the wild live in fertile environments rich in organic matter. To improve, we can pay with liquid earthworm humus or vegetable food every 15 days during the irrigation period and add to the biological granulated substrate and solid humus once a month. If you do end up with fungus, we recommend treating it with horsetail.

I hope that with this information you can learn more about Adam’s rib diseases and their characteristics.

Adam’s rib diseases: how to solve them

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