Ficus ginseng

The Ficus ginseng It is a tree that, following some practical advice, we can have for many years.

Belonging to the great family of the Rubber plant, this makes it an easy tree to maintain.

The first thing to know is that the Ficus ginseng it’s really a Ficus microcarp. It began to be marketed as Ficus ginseng due to the shape of its roots, bulbous and moderately aerial, that is, they do not completely bury themselves in the earth.

It can be found in much of the Asian continent, concentrating in the lowlands, where the climate is warm (without frost).

These Ficus are large trees, being able to reach six or seven meters in height, very leafy. They have a slow-medium growth; as the years go by, it grows faster. Its root system can grow a lot, and it can become “aggressive. Therefore, they will have to be planted at a minimum distance of five meters pipes, sidewalks, … in short, everything that could break.

The care it requires are the following:

  • Irrigation: abundant in summer and scarce in winter. As winter approaches, we will space out the waterings more.
    It is important that the aerial roots are not wet for a long time.
  • Fertilize once or twice a month from spring to autumn.
  • Substrate: it must be draining, with black peat and perlite for example.
  • It can be kept indoors, but in a very bright room, and not throughout the year, since it needs to feel the passing of the seasons to be able to develop properly.

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More information – Knowing the Ficus: its cultivation and care

Source – Botanical Online