Plants to have in a shady garden

Maidenhair fern

Given the architecture of large cities, it is increasingly difficult to have a garden or balcony with natural light for most of the day. The construction of new buildings and towers reduces the aerial areas and these concrete giants block the sunlight.

Therefore, today we will dedicate ourselves to plants that don’t need sun to grow in harmony because there is no reason to resign a green space even in the face of this reality. You can pay attention to this post even if you have a garden with natural light as it is common for it to also have shady areas, either because of the shadow cast by the house or because of the trees, which cover certain areas of the garden.

In these cases, you can opt for different species of perennials, annuals and small shrubs, which adapt without difficulties to the lack of natural light. It is the case of hostasone of the most popular shade plants out there. These specimens are perennials and that is why they are beautiful ornamental plants with leaves that vary in color, shape, size and texture but are present throughout the year. In addition, they are easy to care plants that do not require much maintenance. Although they are plants that can tolerate some sun, their natural habitat is in the shade and growing in soil rich in organic compost and with good drainage. Remember that hostas with yellow, gold and white leaves are the best tolerant of the sun.

Another shade plant ideal for a garden with little sun is the helecho maidenhair or Adiantum pedatum. It is a plant with fan-shaped leaves that grow up to 30 to 45 cm. Their natural habitat is the humid forest and that is why they are plants that do not need sunlight, although they do need well-drained, humid and rich soil. The humidity will guarantee its good growth so it must be watered regularly until the plant has a good development.

The japanese laurel It is also a shade plant to consider as it is a perennial shrub that needs not to be exposed to direct natural light. It has broad leaves and grows upright and oval. If you want to have it, you need a soil with good drainage and fertile although the good news is that it supports poor soils.

More information – Pruning hostas

Source – eHow in spanish

Photo – Panoramio

Plants to have in a shady garden

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