10 Indoor Climbing Plants | Gardening On

Dipladenia is an indoor climber

There are many plants that can be grown indoors, but one of the most interesting are climbers. Why? Because with them you can achieve wonderful things. For example, you can transform a sad and empty entrance into a room in which, the first to welcome you, is an ivy or the delicate flowers of a dipladenia; or the simple support of a ladder on a lattice where passionflowers climb, why not?

The truth is that they give so much play, that it is a joy to grow them at home. But you have to choose the species very well, since there are some that can only grow if they are outdoors. Because, We are going to tell you which are the indoor climbing plants that we recommend.

Adam’s Rib (Monstera delicious)

Monstera deliciosa has large, green leaves

Image – Flickr / Hornbeam Arts

La monstera It is a climber that is widely grown indoors. It can reach up to 20 meters in height, and has large leaves, up to 90 centimeters long by 80 centimeters wide.. These are deeply divided into numerous lobes, although it must be said that if the plant is young, it will have entire leaves. It blooms in summer, and you should know that the fruit is toxic whether it is touched without gloves or ingested.

Taking this into account, it should not be purchased if there are children, dogs and/or cats at home, unless it can be placed in an area where access to it can be prevented. Otherwise, It is a plant that needs light and moderate watering..

Dipladenia (Mandevilla)

La dipladenia o mandevilla is a climber that can reach 6-7 meters in height if supported. It has simple, green leaves, which are approximately 5 centimeters long by 2-3 centimeters wide. It blooms during the spring and summer, and it does so with bell-shaped flowers of pink, white, yellow or red.

It is native to tropical Central and South America, which is why it is often considered a houseplant in temperate regions. The minimum temperature that it supports without suffering damage is 0 degrees. But at home you don’t have to worry about the cold. Yes indeed, do not expose it to air currents as it would have a bad time.

Climbing ficus (Ficus line up)

The ficus pumila can be kept indoors

While many of the best-known Ficuses begin life as epiphytes, the vast majority end up growing as trees. But Ficus line up It is a born climber. It is native to Asia, and reaches a height of between 2 and 4 meters. It has leaves that, when young, are very small, 1-2 centimeters, but when it matures it begins to grow larger, up to 6 centimeters long.

It grows fast, so you may need to prune it every 2-3 years, depending on where you place it. And it is that, in addition, develops tendrils that help it climb. This is an advantage when you have it outside, as that means you don’t need a guide to cover, say, a wall; but inside a house it can be a problem if we want it to climb through a very specific area, since the space is much smaller than it would be in a patio or garden.

Philodendron (philodendron red)

The philodendron is a large-leaved climber

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang

The philodendron red It is an evergreen climber native to Colombia that grows between 3 and 6 meters high. Produces large, heart-shaped leaves, up to 40 centimeters long. It is such a beautiful species that today we find different cultivars, such as the philodendron red ‘Imperial Green’ (if it has green leaves), or ‘Imperial Rubra’ (if it has reddish/brown leaves).

Its growth rate is slow, but it is important that it is planted in somewhat large pots so that it can develop normally. For example, if we have a specimen that is in a container with a diameter of 13 centimeters, the ideal would be that in the next transplant we put it in a 20-centimeter container.

Ivy (Ivy helix)

Ivy is an ideal climber for gardens

Image – Wikimedia / Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova

Ivy is an all-terrain vine. Originally from Europe, Africa and Asia, it is a species that grows fast, adapts wonderfully to living in different environments and does not require much care. Although it can reach 10 meters in height if it has support, there is a small-leaved variety, the Hedera helix was microphyllawhich stays at 4-5 meters. And yet, it can be pruned to control its growth.

The good thing about this plant is that it is evergreen; that is, it remains evergreen. But for that needs to be in a room with plenty of light (but without giving it directly).

Jasmine (Jasmine officinale)

Jasminum officinalis is an ideal climber for the pool

There are a few varieties of jasmine, but not all of them can be used as climbers. That is not the case with common jasmine, which is a vine native from the Caucasus to western China that reaches a height of 6 meters. It has leaves made up of five to nine green leaflets with pointed ends. It blooms throughout the spring, producing white flowers about 2 centimeters in diameter, which emit a very pleasant sweet aroma..

It is a plant that has to be placed in the room where there is more light. In fact, if it were kept outdoors, it would be placed in a sunny place, since it does not grow as well in the shade and, moreover, it has a hard time flowering. Because, do not hesitate to put it in a place where there are windows through which sunlight enters.

Jasmine from Madagascar (Stephanotis floribunda)

The Stephanotis floribunda is an indoor climber

Image – Wikimedia/randreu

El madagascar jasmine It is an evergreen climber native to, precisely, Madagascar. Despite its common name, it is not related to the true jasmines (Jasminum), but its white flowers do closely resemble those of them. Are They sprout in summer and are about 3 centimeters long.

It is a plant that grows well in pots, but needs to be kept in a room with lots of lightand without drafts.

Eye of Venus (Start Thunberg)

The thunbergia is a climber

The climber known as eye of venus or poet’s eyes, is a perennial plant native to Africa that reaches a height of approximately 3-4 meters. It has simple, green leaves, and produces orange, yellow or white flowers up to 6 centimeters in diameter, with a black circle in the center very characteristic.

Its growth rate is fast, so much so that it must be pruned frequently if it is kept indoors. What’s more, it is important that it is placed in a room with plenty of natural light.

Scented passionflower (Passionflower vitifolia)

Passiflora vitifolia has red flowers

Scented passionflower, also called granadilla de monte, is an evergreen climber native to the tropical regions of Central and South America. It reaches a height of 8 meters, and has three-lobed leaves that measure between 7 and 14 centimeters. Its flowers are scarlet red, about 12 centimeters in diameter, and are said to smell very, very good..

Due to its origin, it is very sensitive to cold. But that’s not a problem: it can be kept indoors, in a place where there is a lot of light, and give it a moderate watering to keep it beautiful.

Pothos (golden)

The pothos is an evergreen climber

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

El pothos It is the indoor climbing plant par excellence. Although it can reach 20 meters in height, its heart-shaped leaves are of a very interesting size.: if it is young they measure up to 20 centimeters in length, and if it is an adult they can reach up to a meter in length. These are green or green with yellowish lines or spots.

A curious fact is that it is very difficult for it to bloom. This is because it does not synthesize gibberellin, which is a phytohormone that precisely stimulates flowering. For this reason, It is almost always multiplied by semi-hard cuttings.either by putting them in water or planting them in pots with a substrate, such as coconut fiber.

What do you think of these indoor climbing plants?

10 Indoor Climbing Plants | Gardening On

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