
Sumac: characteristics, species and care

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Dedda7 Plants known as sumac or sumac are trees and shrubs that have a fast growth, and that develop leaves composed of green pinnae. Some species turn reddish in autumn, before entering their winter rest, so they are very interesting to grow in those gardens where you want to see […]

Liming of trees: what is it for?

Have you ever seen a tree that had part of the white trunk? This technique is known by the name of liming of treesand the truth is that it has generated some controversy because, on the one hand, there are those who say that it does not harm the plant, while on the other there […]

The importance of knowing when and how to plant pistachios

The vast majority of people at some point have had to eat pistachios directly or indirectly (in ready-made meals). Although it is a food item with a good amount of health benefitsfew deign to know this plant. When we talk about planting pistachios and the fruit, we refer to the seeds of the pistachio tree. […]

Paspalum: characteristics and cultivation | Gardening On

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David Eickhoff Herbs are plants that are usually uprooted as soon as they are seen in a garden, but this is not always a good idea, as there are many that can be useful, either to attract pollinating insects, or to have a beautiful low-maintenance lawn. In fact, some of […]

Dipsacus fullonum: A plant very similar to the borriquero thistle

Today you will have the opportunity to meet a plant that has a rather peculiar appearance that not everyone likes. However, It is a species worth having in any garden. We can say that this is a biennial thorny herb that easily escapes cultivation and naturalizes in adjacent areas through self-seed. The Dipsacus fullonum it […]

Gunnera manicata: A very decorative large-leaved plant

Today you are going to meet a plant whose leaves are so large that you may have to make room for it in your garden, if at any time you decide to get a specimen like this one. The genus Gunnera comprises 40-50 species whose foliage varies greatly in size. While the lobed foliage of […]

Nepenthes ventrata: characteristics and care guide

The Nepenthes venrata it is a species of carnivorous plant widely commercialized in Spain. In fact, it is usually one of the first to buy when starting a collection. But it is also one of the most delicate. As it is tropical, you have to be very careful about exposing it to low temperatures, since […]

How to dry a rose: step by step and what uses are given to them

There are different home remedies to preserve our flowers for decoration and other uses. One of the main options for drying flowers is roses. These are quite delicate flowers that need some care in order to learn to dry well. There are many people who do not know how to dry a rose and what […]

Discover Hemerocallis fulva: A plant with beautiful flowers

The Hemerocallis yellow or as it is well known, day lily, it is a beautiful plant with a spectacular flowering and worthy of admiration. Today you will have the opportunity to know the most relevant data of this plant. You just have to stay until the end and find out whether or not you can […]

Types of ivy and care

Image – Wikimedia / Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova Ivy is a very popular fast-growing climbing plant in gardens. Its easy cultivation and maintenance, in addition to its resistance to pests and diseases, have made it the favorite of all those who want to cover a wall or a lattice in the shortest possible time while spending […]

Ceanothus thysiflorus: A plant with beautiful blue flowers

Today you are going to meet one of the many variants of the Ceanothus that exist throughout the world. We refer to the Ceanothus thysiflorus and in the same sense, you should know that it is a shrub that has wide leaves and they are perennial. The Ceanothus thysiflorus sIt is about arust with a […]

Why are there carnivorous plants?

Carnivorous plants are very curious: they look like ordinary plants, totally harmless, but in reality they survive thanks to the nutrients they obtain from the bodies of their victims. For this reason, when growing them they should not be fertilized, since they are not prepared to be fed directly and, in fact, fertilizers can burn […]

What are the care of the bad mother plant?

The bad mother plant is one of those that most decorate the homes of our elders, and this is so for a very important reason: it is very, very easy to care for. With a little water and light, it lives for several years at home, and it can even do it outside if the […]

7 fast growing palm trees for your garden

Image – Wikimedia / iMahesh Who doesn’t want to have a tall palm tree in their garden in no time? Well, I am not going to deceive you: the truth is that there are many who want precisely that, since one of the beliefs that usually put people back when buying a copy is that […]

8 plants with colored leaves

Plants with colored leaves are very pretty. Perfect to have in a special corner in the garden, or to decorate the interior of the house, the truth is that they look great anywhere. But they are also usually delicate: since they do not have chlorophyll throughout the surface of the leaf, it is important that […]

7 bottle-shaped trees and their care

Bottle-shaped trees are plants that, in order to stand out, it is interesting that they are planted alonesurrounded by others of low size. In addition, it must be said that they resist drought very well; in fact, if they have a thick trunk it is precisely because they have evolved to use them as water […]

Characteristics and care of the hypoestes

The plant known as hypoestes It is a beauty that can be enjoyed throughout the year inside the house. Its wonderful leaves are so brightly colored that it seems that someone has wanted to create a natural work of art; in fact, one of its common names is precisely painter’s palette. With this I tell […]

8 snow resistant plants | Gardening On

Snow is a meteorological phenomenon that must be taken into account when we are going to choose which plants to buy. And we are no longer talking about “simple” frosts that disappear quickly as soon as the Sun rises, but about something – snow – that takes longer to melt and that, therefore, can cause […]

Juniperus squamata: A beautiful plant for decorative purposes

Now Juniper scales it is commonly called single-seeded juniperbecause each cone is fleshy, elliptical, blackish seed, similar to a berry that produces a single seed. Thus, today you will have the opportunity to learn some useful and interesting facts of this plant, so that you can know and know how to differentiate this particular species […]

Ruscus: species, characteristics and care

Image – Wikimedia / Hans Hillewaert In the world there are thousands of species of shrubs, which is fortunate, because they are of that type of plants that can be used to plant in the spaces of the garden that are becoming empty, work as bonsai, or grow in pots or planters. . Although each […]

Erica andevalensis: A shrub with very pretty flowers

Sometimes we don’t usually think about nature’s effectiveness in allowing vegetation to grow in areas where it is not suitable for plant life. However, it has been more than proven that a plant can grow in incredible places and in areas where we least expect it. The erica andevalensis would be a An example of […]

What plants produce berries? | Gardening On

Berries are fruits that often look like they are edible, but they can fool us. Even so, their touch, their color, their shape, even the plants that produce them have very interesting characteristics, and although we cannot always taste them, this does not mean that they are not perfect for growing in gardens or terraces. […]

10 outdoor hanging plants | Gardening On

A terrace or patio without plants is a place that many of us would think is missing something; that green touch that gives life to any corner. Even if you only wear one, the stay changes totally. But often, especially if there is not much space available, many doubts arise about which ones can be […]

How to fatten the trunk of a tree

One of the doubts most asked by all gardeners and planters is that of how to fatten a tree trunkthat is, what can be done so that the plant develops a wide, well-formed trunk, and does not get left with that thin and weak stick that it has at the moment. As well. There are […]

Selection of 10 Asian Trees for Temperate Gardens

With an area of ​​44 million square kilometers, Asia is the largest continent on Earth. It is located in the northern hemisphere, and there is a great diversity of climates and, therefore, also different habitats in which fauna and flora have evolved adopting multiple shapes and colors. If we focus on the trees of Asia, […]

10 plants with red flowers

Plants with red flowers are ones that always attract a lot of attention. And this is a color that stands out, and a lot, when combined with green, so if you like it, tell you that there are many species that produce petals of some reddish hue. Do you want to know them? If so, […]

8 types of Guzmania and their basic care

Bromeliads of the Guzmania genus are very interesting to have in a room where a lot of light enters through a window and / or French door, or even for a corner of the garden that is protected from wind and frost. In addition, it must be said that several types of Guzmania have been […]

When to plant bougainvillea? Everything you need to know

Bougainvillea is a climber of exceptional beauty: when it blooms, its colorful bracts (often mistaken for petals) cover it almost completely. It can be very difficult to distinguish the leaves from each other. But it is that, in addition, It is a very easy to grow plant that only wants regular waterings and suntoo much […]

11 trees with aggressive roots

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Forest & Kim Starr When choosing which tree we are going to plant in a garden or in any other place, in addition to informing ourselves about the species and its hardiness, one of the most important things we have to do is find out what its roots are like. […]

Porphyra: characteristics, habitat and cultivation

Today we are going to talk about a type of brown seaweed that is very useful in gastronomy. It’s about the porphyra. Often found on rocky shores around the world, this genus includes some of the species found abundantly in the tropics and at the poles. The greatest diversity of was algae is usually found […]

7 plants of the Amazon: characteristics and curiosities

Image – Wikimedia / Shao Latin America can boast of having an immense variety of plant species. The climate that gives it heat, the different altitudes, and of course its geographical location allow there to be forests as important to the world as that of the Amazon. In fact, it is estimated that there are […]

7 European maples and their care

Image – Wikimedia / Salicyna Surely you know or have heard of the maples they have in Asia, such as the Maple palmate (Japanese maple) or the Acer shirasawanum. These two species are great to grow in temperate gardens, but… did you know that there are others that are even better? European maples are trees […]

How are ferns of the genus Athyrium cared for?

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Ragnar1 Ferns of the genus Athyrium are plants that have a thick but short rhizomefrom which leaves sprout – which are actually called fronds – very beautiful and elegant. In fact, they are often used to beautify gardens, specifically those corners where sunlight does not reach well. As if that […]

All about Ficus: characteristics, species, care and more

Image – Wikimedia Commons / Sten Plants of the genus Ficus are some of those with the longest roots, so much so that it is not recommended to have them in small gardens as they could cause many serious problems. But despite this, if there is something they have, it is ornamental value, which is […]

Acacia pycnantha: characteristics, distribution and care

Today we are going to talk about a type of plant that is well known and used for its beautiful flowers. It’s about the Acacia pycnantha. It is commonly known by the name of golden wattle and was named as the national flower of Australia from the year 1988. It is a plant that belongs […]

+9 plants with pink flowers: names, characteristics and care

Pink is a color that you always like to have in a garden or on a terrace. By associating yourself with very positive things, such as kindness, empathy and generosity, it is easy for plants that produce flowers of that hue to enchant us. Fortunately, there are many species of plants that give pink flowers: […]

When and how are indoor plants pruned?

Having a home without plants is not always a good idea. With them, the home is green, the mood improves and, in addition, you can learn a lot about plant beings. Taking care of them will help us breathe better quality air, because as we know, through their leaves they expel clean and pure oxygen. […]

What types of coconuts are there and what are their uses?

In common or popular language, the term “coconut” is used to refer to a round and edible type of fruit that has a hard shell and is produced by some species of palm trees. But this creates confusion, because really the real bogeyman is that of the Cocoa nuts and of this species there are […]

What are the different types of rice that exist?

Rice is one of the most important cereals in the world. In fact, it is considered a staple food, being one of the most consumed in many countries, not only in Asia, which is where it has been grown for millennia, but also in the rest of the planet. And it is that either fried […]

The most popular movie plants

Plants often play a very important role in movies. The passage of time and even the different states of mind are represented by them. Thus, a field full of flowers gives us to understand that the characters have hope, or that they are in love and / or happy; On the other hand, a landscape […]

Root vegetables: what are they, types and how are they grown

Our root vegetables are those that are grown for its root, as its name indicates, since it is edible. This can have a very variable shape, color and flavor. For example, carrots are long and orange; instead the onions are rounded. How are they grown? When you want to have some of these plants, it […]

Christmas plant care | Gardening On

The Christmas holidays give us the perfect excuse to get together with our loved ones, but also to decorate our house and / or garden with a series of plants that will accompany us during the celebrations and maybe something else if we provide them with a series of care. And the reality of these […]

What are fire resistant plants?

Although it is surprising to us, there are plants that are able to revive after being victims of a fireand there are even others that can only germinate if their seeds are exposed to very high temperatures. They are called pyrophilic or pyrophytic plants. Would you like to know what are fire resistant plants? At […]

9 types of Canna for gardens or pots

One of the fast growing ornamental plants that most like to have in the gardens or in a rectangular pot is the Canna. It is one of the few that has good-sized and wide leaves, and that also produces flowers during the summer, a season when it is used to enjoy the outdoors more. But, […]

How to Peel Almonds: Tips and Tricks

You may have an almond tree in your garden but you don’t know well how to peel almonds to prepare some gastronomic dishes. The almond tree is a tree that does not require too much care but we must know some aspects about it. Therefore, in this article we are going to talk to you […]

8 tall indoor plants and their basic care

Large indoor plants are perfect to have in spacious rooms, such as the living room or dining room. Placed in specific areas, where they can grow without obstructing the passage, they will greatly beautify the room and will not cause any problems. But What are those tall indoor plants? And how are they cared for? […]

8 exotic palm trees resistant to cold

Image – Wikimedia Commons / David J. Stang There are many types of palm trees, in fact there are an estimated 3000 different species found mainly in the tropical, subtropical and warm regions of the world. All of them have a unique beauty, although at first it is normal that they all seem the same […]

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