muhlenbergia capillaris

View of the Muhlenbergia capillaris

There are plants that are a real wonder, and the muhlenbergia capillaris is one of them. It is the vaporousness turned into a plant. It is a species that will finish giving volume and movement to your garden, but which will also allow you to enjoy it in a pot if you don’t have soil to put it on.

If we talk about its maintenance, it will not give you any problem. Like -almost- all herbs, its growth rate is very fast and its adaptability quite interesting, so that do not hesitate to meet her 🙂.

Origin and characteristics of muhlenbergia capillaris

Muhlenbergia capillaris is a perennial herb

Image – Flickr / PlantRight1

At first glance, this is a plant that could pass for common, but the truth is that when it blooms it is quite a spectacle. In English they call it hairawn muhly, and in Spanish the common name I have found is pink hair grass. A name that undoubtedly represents you.

It is a perennial herb native to North America, where it grows in sandy or rocky forests and clearings, usually in groups. Reaches a height of 30 to 90 centimeters by 60 to 90 cm wide. The leaves, which sprout in autumn (from September to October, usually in the northern hemisphere) are linear, flat, green in color. The flowers are grouped in inflorescences in the form of pinkish panicles or spikelets.

What are the care you need?

If you want to have a well-cared for specimen, don’t worry because with minimal maintenance you will be able to enjoy it a lot:


It is a plant that has to be outside, in full sun or in semi-shade. It is not invasive, but it is advisable that, in case of having it in the garden, ‘weak’ or / or small herbaceous plants are not planted next to it to prevent them from getting lost.


The Muhlenbergia capillaris is an ornamental plant

Image – Flickr / SCCF Native Landscapes Garden Center

  • the garden: it is not demanding, but it will grow better in well-drained soils than in compact and slightly acidic soils (pH 5.5 to 6.8).
  • Pots: can be filled with universal plant substrate (on sale here!). Another option is to fill with compost, or mulch (for sale here!).
Garden land

Related article:

The importance of drainage for our plants


The irrigation has to be rather moderate. The muhlenbergia capillaris you don’t need a lot of water to be completely satiated 🙂. In principle, with about 3 weekly irrigations in summer and with 1-2 weeks the rest of the year you will have enough.

If in doubt, check the soil moisture before watering, either by inserting a thin wooden stick, or a digital moisture meter (for sale No products found.).


Fertilize an herb? It may seem incredible -in the literal sense of the word-, but the reality is that, apart from water, it is highly recommended to pay it from time to timeespecially if it is in a pot or if the garden soil is not very fertile.

To do this, you can add any fertilizer: compost, mulch, herbivorous animal manure, guano … If you prefer, you can apply universal fertilizer (for sale here!) following the instructions specified on the package.


Don’t need it. The only thing that may be necessary is to cut the stems that come out on both sides if you have it in a small space and / or it ‘annoys’ other plants a bit. Anyway, you have to know that this should be done regularly, since even if you cut stems, they will come out again.

To avoid having to be aware of this, the ideal is to look for the right place from the beginning, where it can grow and develop at ease.


Muhlenbergia is an ornamental herb

Image – Flickr / USCapitol

The easiest way to multiply the muhlenbergia capillaris is by kill division in spring. Produces seedsbut they are very small and the normal thing is that they fly off as soon as you blow a little air. Anyway, as they are also for sale, you can sow them in spring with substrate for seedlings (on sale here!).

Planting or transplanting time

In springwhen the risk of frost has passed. If you have it in a pot, transfer it to a larger one as soon as you see that roots are coming out of the drainage holes, or if you have not changed it for a long time – more than two years -.


It is an herb that resists cold and frost up to -15ºC. And it can also live in tropical climates.

What uses is given to muhlenbergia capillaris?

It is a species that is used only as ornamental plant. It is very easy to care for, and when it blooms it is wonderful. In 2012 it was awarded the »Plant of the Year» award given by the Garden Club of America (you can learn more about this topic here!).

Another interesting fact is that it attracts beneficial insects, such as ladybugs, which are the natural predators of aphids. Likewise, when it grows in groups it can serve as a refuge for the fauna that we can find in a garden.

Where to buy?

You can buy it in nurseries and garden stores, and also here:

No products found.

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muhlenbergia capillaris

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