Aloe vera plant

Since long before modern medicine allowed us to heal ourselves from a wide variety of diseases, mankind has used plants to heal wounds and improve their health. Today, we know these plant beings as medicinal plants, and there are so many that we could make a garden with them.

But how do we come to include them in our daily lives? If you want to know this and others curiosities about medicinal plantsdon’t stop reading .

Imitating animals

Cat eating grass

Non-human animals have the extraordinary ability to know what plant or plants need to heal. For example, if you live with a dog or cat, surely you have ever seen him eat grass and then vomit. When they vomit, what they really do is expel from your stomach what is making you feel bad.

But they are not the only ones using plants. Some snakes rub themselves on the rough bark trunks when shedding their skin, and then where the moss grows. Why? Because that’s how they hydrate.

Different ways of use

Depending on the type of medicinal plant it is, and depending on what we want to use it for, we can do it in up to three different ways:

  • Infusion of leaves, stems, flowers and / or roots.
  • Topical use smearing its gel on the skin, or as a poultice.
  • Extracting its essential oil and take it either directly or by diluting it in water.

Benefits for all

Natural remedies provide multiple benefits for young and old improving your health without creating addiction. But, yes, we must bear in mind that although the vast majority of medicinal plants do not have side effects if taken in adequate doses, there are others with which we will have to be more careful, such as Brown (Route graveolens) or the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale).

Medicinal plants and their use

To finish, we are going to tell you some very interesting medicinal plants and their properties:

  • Artichoke: protects the liver and helps its recovery in case of liver disease, reduces cholesterol, helps lose weight.
  • Aloe vera: stimulates the functioning of the immune system, relieves the symptoms of digestive problems, heals wounds, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease, detoxifies the body and improves the health of the skin and hair.
  • Horse tail: helps eliminate excess fluids from the body and lose weight, improves the health of hair, skin and nails, controls bleeding, improves flexibility of tendons.
  • Parsley– cleans the kidneys, improves hypertension and relieves the symptoms of osteoporosis.
  • Status: relaxes, so it is very effective in cases of anxiety, nervousness, hypertension and insomnia. In addition, it is used to relieve gastric problems, headaches and colds.

Do you know other curiosities about medicinal plants?