What is the Nertera plant like and what does it need?

Nertera with fruits

The netera It is a plant that attracts a lot of attention, but not because of its leaves but because of its curious fruits of a very beautiful cheerful color. It is very small, just two inches high, so it can be used as a centerpiece to add color to meetings or hangouts with friends.

Although it is grown as an annual plant, since it is very sensitive to cold, the truth is that it is very easy to multiply by seeds. But let’s see it in more detail.

View of the nertera plant

The Nertera, known by the common names Marble Plant, Coral Berry, Coral or Water Uvite, and by the scientist nertera granadensis, it is a floor covering plant native to Central America that has very small leaves, 1-2cm in lengthGreen color. The flowers are also tiny, star-shaped, and once pollinated, a large number of bright, round, orange, coral, or yellow berries begin to ripen.

At home we have to provide a series of care so that it can be well, at least, until the cold arrives. For it, we must place it in a well-lit roombut where it is protected from direct sun. Ideally, for example, have it in the dining room or kitchen, on a plate or in a container with gravel and a little water so that the humidity is high.

Nertera granadensis plant

The substrate to be used must be one composed of mulch mixed with sand in equal parts. This land it has to be watered every 4 or 5 days in spring and summer and a little less the rest of the yearwith lime-free water. In addition, during these two seasons it must be paid with a universal liquid plant fertilizer, following the indications specified on the product packaging.

If we want to get new copies, we can sow your seeds in seedbed during spring. After a week we will have new Nertera .

What is the Nertera plant like and what does it need?

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