Care of the compact Dracaena

Compact dracaena

Image – Bunnik Plants

The plant that I am going to talk to you about next is one of those that look very, very good in any corner of the home. I insist: on anyone. And no, I’m not telling you that it has a slow growth rate, that it does, but that it is also a plant that stays small, measuring no more than two meters in adulthood. Your name? Dracaena fragrans »Compact»although it is much better known by the name of, simply, Compact dracaena.

It is very resistant, being one of the most suitable for beginners. It is also pretty and does not make a mess. Let’s get to know it more in depth.

Main characteristics of the compact Dracaena

Compact dracaena

Image – Van Garden Nurseries

This is a tropical shrub native to the African continent that belongs to the Asparagaceae family. It has a very thin trunk, barely 5cm wide, and a maximum height of 1m. Its leaves are short, up to 40cm long, pointed to a point, and bright green that will combine wonderfully with the decoration of the room where you want to put it.

The flowers are white and give off a very intense aromapleasant. In fact, that’s where the name fragrans comes from. These are pollinated by many insects and even hummingbirds. Although, unfortunately, when they are grown in a pot and being so slow growing, it can take many years for us to contemplate their flowers.


Young plant of Dracaena compacta

Image – Green 24

The compact Dracaena is not demanding at all. Even so, you have to take into account a series of things so that it grows healthy and without problems for many years, and they are:


Ideally place it in a room with plenty of natural lightalthough it may be a little dark in others. It can be kept outside protected from direct sun as long as the temperature does not drop below 5ºC.


It resists drought better than overwatering, so it is important to let the substrate dry before watering again. As usual, it is recommended to water once or twice a weekonce or twice more if you are abroad.


We cannot forget the subscriber. From spring to late summer (we can also in autumn if the weather is mild, without frost) It is advisable to fertilize with a universal fertilizer for plants or with liquid organic fertilizerssuch as guano, humus, or algae extract. You can even pay one month with one, and the next with another, so that in this way we make sure that the plant gets all the nutrients it needs. Of course, you have to read the label, especially if we use mineral fertilizers.


We have to transplant our compact Dracaena every two yearstransferring it to a pot about 3-4cm wider than the previous one. The type of material with which the container is made is a very personal decision, but it is true that terracotta are very beautiful (see header image); although it must also be said that it is becoming easier to find plastic pots that have nothing to envy them.


As a substrate, you must use one that is porous, in order to prevent it from remaining wet for too long, and that could also provide it with a large amount of nutrients. So, a good mix would be for example: 40% black peat + 40% perlite + 20% worm castingswhich contains nitrogen, phosphate, potassium, and micronutrients, such as zinc or manganese, all of them very necessary for a correct growth and development of the plant.

Dracaena compact problems

Compact Dracaena plant

Image – Trending

Although it is very resistant, it can also have some problems:

Soft trunk

If you have or begin to have a soft trunk, it is a sign that we’ve been going overboard with the irrigation. In this case, you have to suspend it and let the soil dry completely before watering again. And, in addition, you have to do a fungicide treatment.

Leaves that seem to fall

When the leaves are a little lower than they should be, chances are that be in a room where there is not enough lightso it will have to be moved to another area that is better lit.

Leaves with brown spots

Brown spots are a symptom of fungi, specifically of the genus Fusarium. This microorganism attacks when the climate is warm, and the substrate is humid. Therefore, the risks must be spaced and, to avoid the attack lasting more than necessary, make a treatment with a fungicide that contains Benzimidazole.

White / red spots on undersides of leaves

If you see that it has white or red dots on the leaves, it could be that they are mealybugs. To check this, just try to remove them with a cotton swab from your ears. If they go away easily, it will be these insects. As it is a small plant, they can continue to be removed with the sticks, although it is worth doing a treatment with paraffin oil.

Reproduction of Dracaena compacta

Compact dracaena

Image – Loutos Yasmeen Flowers

This plant reproduces by terminal stem cuttings, that is, the crown of leaves is cut from each branch, leaving it with a 10cm long stem. Then it continues as follows:

  1. The first thing to do now is remove the leaves of the cutting.
  2. Afterwards, the base is moistened (about 10cm) with water and is infused with rooting hormones powdered.
  3. Then a pot is filled with a very porous substratelike black peat mixed with perlite in equal parts.
  4. Then, the cutting is plantedputting it right in the center.
  5. It waters generously.
  6. And finally, 2-4 wooden toothpicks are placed, and the pot is wrapped with plasticas if it were a greenhouse. It is advisable to make some tiny holes to avoid that the humidity inside is high enough so that the fungi can reproduce and damage the cutting.

Now it only remains to keep the substrate always slightly damp, and wait. Cutting will start to root after about a month at a temperature of 24ºC.

What did you think of the compact Dracaena? Do you have any at home?

Care of the compact Dracaena

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