
If you are thinking of having a water garden and do not know which tall plants to put to delimit the area, I am going to recommend that it may seem like “one of the many”, but its curious inflorescence will surely attract the attention of all who come to visit you. : the bulrush or reed of mats.

This is one fast growing plant It does not require any special care, as we will now see, since it is also very resistant to pests.

Cattail characteristics

typha latifolia

The cattail is a perennial rhizomatous plant native to the subtropical and tropical areas of the northern hemisphere. Its scientific name is Typha latifoliaand belongs to the botanical family Typhaceae. It is characterized by growing between 1,5 and 3 meters highwith lanceolate and green leaves 2-4cm wide. The flowers, which bloom in summer, are grouped in tubular-like inflorescencesand they are brown.

It grows in swampy regions, on both sides of rivers and swamps. It is thus a semi-aquatic plant that requires high humidity so that it can develop well.

How do you take care of yourself?


If you would like to have some specimens of cattail, follow our advice:

  • Location: Plant your Typha outside, where it receives direct sunlight.
  • Plantation: in spring, when the risk of frost has passed.
  • Land: it is not demanding, but it is recommended that it has good drainage.
  • Degree of humidity you need: Being a riverbank plant, it is important that it always have “wet feet”, but the water should never reach its leaves (or not too much).
  • Subscriber: during the warmer months of the year it must be paid with mineral fertilizers.
  • Pruning: leaves and inflorescences can be removed as they dry with scissors.
  • Plagues and diseases: It’s very tough.
  • Rusticity: withstands cold down to -4ºC.

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