Pachypodium lamerei

The caudiciform plants o plants with caudex They are a type of plants that, due to the shape of their trunks, are very decorative and in great demand among fans of succulent plants.

But what exactly are they and what care do they require?

What are caudex plants?

Adansonia digitata

Caudex plants live in very hot and generally dry regions, where year-round rainfall falls within a few weeks. Few plants can live and grow well under these conditions, caudiciforms being one of them. Are, they do not have fleshy leaves like succulents, but rather trunks that normally widen as they absorb water.

Thanks to this survival tactic, they can go months without drinking anything in their natural habitatbecause they do not need it as they have reserves in their trunks. But, ironically, this is a problem when you want to grow in areas where conditions are very different from those in habitat.

How are they cared for?

Adenium obese

Caudex plants are a type of plant beings that are more difficult to care for than succulents (cacti and succulents). You have to be very careful with watering and choose the substrate well, otherwise your root system will suffocate and rot. To avoid this, we explain how to take care of them:

  • Location: outside, in full sun.
  • Substratum: gritty, pumice-like or akadama.
  • Irrigation: you have to water every 3 days in summer, and every 5-7 the rest of the year. Always let the substrate dry between waterings.
  • Subscriber: fertilize with Nitrofoska by pouring a small spoonful on the surface of the substrate every 15 days. In autumn and winter, once a month.
  • Transplant: in spring, every two years.
  • Rusticity: they can’t stand the cold. Most species suffer when the temperature drops below 0ºC, but having them indoors is not usually a good option. Ideally, make them a greenhouse or wrap them with a thermal plant blanket.

Enjoy them .