Crassula arborescens

Crassula arborescens

The Crassula. What to say about them? This botanical genus includes 620 species distributed throughout the temperate and warm regions of the world, especially in South Africa. There are so many types, that sometimes it is very difficult to choose just one, but that is not a problem since they are so inexpensive and adaptable that they can be grown in pots during all his life.

Find out more about these extraordinary plants.

Characteristics of the Crassula

Crassula capitella

Crassula capitella

Our protagonists they are annual or perennial herbaceous plants, or arborescent shrubs with a height of up to 2,5 meters. The leaves are fleshy, succulent, and can behave like perennials or deciduous. The flowers appear grouped in terminal inflorescences, that is, the floral stem withers once the flowers have fulfilled their function, which is none other than attracting insects to pollinate it and make the seeds mature.

Most species are well resistant to mild frosts of up to -3, but they prefer to be in areas where the climate is warm, with temperatures above 5ºC.

How are they cared for?

Crassula male

Crassula male

If you dare to have one or more copies, then we will tell you what their care is:

  • Location: outside, in full sun. They can grow in semi-shade as long as they receive more light than shade.
  • Soil or substrate: it must have very good drainage.
  • Irrigation: moderate in summer, somewhat scarcer the rest of the year. The humidity of the substrate must be checked before watering, inserting a thin wooden stick and checking how much soil has adhered to it: if it comes out practically clean, it means that it is dry and therefore can be watered.
  • Subscriber: During spring and summer they can be fertilized with a fertilizer for cacti and succulents, or by pouring a small spoonful of Nitrofoska on the surface of the substrate or soil once every 15 days.
  • Transplant / planting: in spring.
  • Multiplication: by stem or leaf cuttings in spring or summer.
  • Rusticity: It depends on the species, but most of them support up to -3ºC. They have to protect themselves from hail.

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