How to care for a newly germinated palm tree

Germinated palm trees

Have you managed to germinate a palm seed and you don’t know what to do now? It is normal, but you should not worry. Follow these tips to help your plant grow healthy and strong.

Discover how to care for a newly germinated palm tree.

Hyphorbe lagenicaulis

Young palm trees, a few months old, can be quite similar to wild grasses, so the first advice that I am going to give you is the following: if you have doubts, wait a few days to see how fast it grows. If it is an herb, it will grow quickly, but if it is a palm, you will notice that it takes its time. You can also try looking for the seed: if you find one that measures 0,5cm or more and also when you touch it you notice that it is hard, almost in all probability it is a palm tree. And now that?

Well, now you can do three things: change the pot if it has germinated in one that it did not touch (something that often happens if there are adult palm trees near where you live), move it from the seedbed to a pot, or leave it where it is until let it grow a little more. From experience, I would recommend that You leave it in the place where it is until it has at least 2 pairs of leaves; Now, if what you did was place the seeds in a sealed bag with substrate, in this case it is preferable to transfer them to their individual pots so that they can grow. Use a porous substrate, such as black peat with equal parts perlite, or compost mixed with 20% perlite (or any other similar material).

Sprouted coconut

While we can really feel very happy when a palm tree sprouts, try to stay calm and be patient. Let me explain: you have to avoid “pampering” her more than necessary, since otherwise we could end up losing her. Therefore, it must be watered 2 or 3 times a week in summer, and 1-2 / week the rest of the year. In addition, throughout the growing season, that is, from spring to late summer, it must be fertilized with a specific fertilizer for palm treesfollowing the indications specified on the package.

In this way we will prevent our young palm tree from having fungus or any problem.

Enjoy it.

How to care for a newly germinated palm tree

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