How to reproduce succulent plants

Crassula ovata

Succulents are some of the easiest plants to grow and also to reproduce. Although they can be obtained by seed, this is a complicated process and can take time, so I’m going to propose that you make cuttings of your plants. How? You will only have to follow the steps that I am going to explain to you.

Learn how to reproduce succulent plants.

Leaf cuttings

Taking a plant by leaf cutting is the most used practice to reproduce succulent plants. However, you should know that not all species support it. In reality, there is only one genus that can be successfully reproduced in this way: the Echeveria. And how is it done? Well the first thing we have to do is, in spring or summer, remove some leaves that they are good, that is, that they look green (or the color of the plant). You have it? Well, let’s go through the following steps:

  1. Fill a pot or tray (with holes for drainage) with porous substrate. You can use black peat with equal parts perlite for example, or vermiculite alone.
  2. Water it so that the substrate is wet but not waterlogged.
  3. Now put the sheets downand slightly cover the lower end with substrate (the part that was attached to the plant).
  4. Keep the pot slightly dampand in a place where it is protected from direct sun.

In a few days you will see that new leaves come out.

Stem cuttings

Aeonium sp.

To reproduce a succulent plant using stem cuttings you just have to cut the stem you like the most and plant it in a new pot with porous substrate. The ideal time to do it is in spring since it is when the plants resume their growth, although you can wait until summer.

By hijuelos

Forever living

There are many plants that tend to take offspring: Sempervivum, some Aloe, Lithops, … Dare to reproduce them. To do this, during the spring or summer months you have to remove the sucker by handdigging and removing the surrounding substrate to make it easier for you to extract our new plant. You can also choose to remove the entire plant from the pot and proceed to separate the suckers.

Afterwards, they must be planted in new pots with a substrate that has good drainage and place them in a very bright area where they are protected from the direct sun until you see them growing, which will be when you expose them to the light of the star king.

What did you think of the idea of ​​reproducing your succulent plants by cuttings?

How to reproduce succulent plants

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