Sa, via Mainacht

These herbaceous plants have earned a prominent place in gardens and terraces. And it is that, it is not for less: they have some flowers of unequaled beautythey can be both in sunny areas as in those where they have some shade, and as if that were not enough, its cultivation and maintenance is suitable for anyoneregardless of your experience with plant care. Isn’t that cool?

If the answer is yes, feel free to read on. We’ll see how to plant sageeither directly on the ground or in a pot.

Sage officinalis

Plant in soil

Although the ideal is to plant it in spring, the truth is that we are facing a very resistant plant that supports out-of-season transplants without difficulty. So much so that it is common for gardeners to plant Salvia during the summer. The only thing that has to be taken into account is that the plant must be removed from the pot trying to do not crumble the root ball of roots.

For the rest, you will only have to do a small planting hole -of about 30 to 40cm deep- wherever you want to have it, mix the garden soil with mulch o organic fertilizer (like worm humus), and later introduce the Salvia inside. Finally, all that remains is to water.

shining sageChange pot, or plant it in a planter with other plants

Salvia can be used to make compositions with other plantsas long as the planter is large – at least 1m long. Transplanting it is very simple. You just have to follow these steps:

  • Fill the new pot (or planter) a little more than half full with a mixture of black peat and perlite.
  • Take the Salvia out of the old pot. If you see that it costs you, you can give it a couple of taps on the sidesor water it.
  • Enter it in its new pot.
  • And finally, there is only to water.

As always, if you have any doubts, do not hesitate and Write us . Have a happy week!