How to care for azaleas

Azalea red flower

Have you ever wondered how these gorgeous showy flower bushes are cared for popularly known as azalea? If you would like to have one in your garden, but you do not know what care it needs, we will tell you everything in this article. They are very ornamental shrubs that tolerate pruning well, and therefore can be used as hedges, or even as bonsai.

They are very grateful, so much so that they sprout a lots of flowersand these last several months, making the garden look spectacular since the beginning of the year.


Or what is the same, in spring they look like the ones in the photo. Pretty, right? With these bushes full of flower, who wouldn’t want to go down a path with azaleas on both sides? As we said, they are plants that after winter and autumn they dress in colorswhich can be red like the plants shown in the photo above, white or pink.

They are native to the Asian continent, specifically China and Japan, where they also they began to work as bonsaithanks to the small size of its leaves. Azalea are plants that like humidity, both in the substrate and in the environment. A dry climate will cause the tips of your dry to burn, turn brown; For this reason, it is recommended to spray them from time to time with distilled, rain or osmosis water or place a glass of water around it.

Nanjing Azalea

We must plant them in an acid soil (or substrate)as it does not tolerate limestone, in a place where it has a lot of light, but without direct sun. In cool or temperate climates, in which the sun is not strong, it can give it a little directly, but it is more advisable to put it in semi-shade to prevent the leaves from burning. Likewise, the irrigation water must also have a low pH; that is, we must water it with rain water, from the tap if it is drinkable, or with a few drops of lemon in the event that the tap water we have cannot be used for consumption.

It should be fertilized from spring to autumn (or late summer in cold climates) with a special fertilizer for acidic plants, or with an organic fertilizer, to help the plant grow strong and healthy.

With these tips, we hope that enjoy your azalea for many years.

How to care for azaleas

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