How to decorate the house on Halloween

How to decorate the house on Halloween

There are only a few days left for Halloween, the celebration of fashion in America and that in other countries such as Spain is also being imposed. On the night of October 31, many children will go out to call their neighbors’ houses with the “trick or treat” in order to get sweets. But you know how to decorate the house on Halloween?

If this year you are going to celebrate this day but you do not know how to decorate your home, or if you want to do something more creative and original, here are some ideas so that you can offer your guests a terrifying atmosphere that you will not forget .

Ghostly boats

The first of the ways to decorate a house on Halloween that we offer you is a recyclable idea since it is about trying to reuse as much as possible.

In this case you have to use bottles, preferably white. For example, water, bleach, etc.

Clean them well on the inside and draw a monstrous face on the outside, with its eyes and its mouth. It’s kind of like the pumpkins, only instead of using these, you use the bottles.

To finish, you have to put some led lights inside so that, in the dark, they illuminate where you put them but they will also be scary.

They are ideal to put at the entrance of the door, in the gardens, terrace and even on the balconies. Inside the house you could put them up the stairs, if you have, or in the hall.

Piercing eyes

Can you imagine being around the house and suddenly feeling and seeing that there are eyes looking at you? Well yes, it is most disconcerting and you will make the hair stand on end to more than one.

To make them you only need a few rolls of paper in which you will die-cut the eyes and some luminous lamps that you will put inside so that they light up.

They will be perfect if the eyes are red but you can also try with blue, green, yellow eyes …

Adhesive vinyls

If you prefer to decorate the house on Halloween in a simpler way, and without having to do many crafts, the best are the adhesive vinyls, which have become very fashionable now. You can find them in many stores and there are realistic and terrifying, for children and to be truly scared.

The good thing is that you place these vinyls anywhere, such as in the house door, you celebrate the day and then you can remove them until next year. Or leave them on, who knows.

decorate doors house Halloween

Eye flowers

Do you have artificial flowers at home? The natural ones are also worth it. The idea is that you get some red roses, if it is a darker red much better. And what do you have to do? Well get eyes. These may be more difficult to find, but there sure are.

The objective is put the eye in the center of the flower, inside the petals, in such a way that it seems that the roses are looking at you.

Thus, when they approach to see them, the impression will make them back away. Sure.

Your house full of cobwebs

If you have a fear of spiders, this type of decoration is surely not the one you like the most. But it is one of the most traditional on Halloween. Consists in placing spider webs all over the house. These can be made with rope, but you could also make them with other materials (for example, there is spider cotton that is sold on Amazon that simulates cobwebs as if they have been woven in an area for a long time).

You can place several of them around the house, especially in the corners and areas where they are usually created and put spiders on them in a splashed way.

skeleton for halloween

The scariest garden

Halloween garden decoration

Surely you have some clothes that do not work for you. So why not make some kind of decoration with it, especially for the garden?

It would consist of put the clothes on and fill them as if there were a person inside. Now, you must place it in such a way that it looks like a dead person, either by placing a pumpkin as if it had torn off its head, or as if it were buried in the ground.

There are many original ideas that will depend on the style of your garden to make them. Best of all, if you also decorate it with a gloomy light, not many will want to be in your garden.

A cage in your garden

Also in your garden there is surely a place where you can put, or simulate, that there is a box in that corner. The objective is to place some dolls, skulls and fake blood on it with an “Out” warning, pretending that there you have your next objectives. It sure looks great.

Hanging Witch Hats

Ghosts, bats are always hung, but what about witch hats? It may be an original idea since, if you put a broom next to it, you will be sure to make you think that, among the guests, there are witches who have left their hats there to later pick them up.

You can buy the hats or make them by hand a few days before.

Bats with egg cups

And speaking of hanging, here is another way to make bats, using the cardboard egg cups. You simply have to cut in a row of three bowls. Each of the sides must be trimmed with spikes, as if they were the wings of the bats.

Then you just have to paint it black and put some eyes on it and a ribbon or cord to hang it on the lamps or wherever you can think of.

Jars full of skulls

Do you want to give the feeling that you are a researcher and that you like to try things with humans? Well, get plastic skulls and a large glass jar. Put them in and, to give it more realism, add water with a little yellow and red food coloring. When they ask you, you know what to say.

Decoration for windows

In the case of windows, one way to decorate the house on Halloween can be with cardboard. Cut more or less wide strips, as if they were wooden slats. With a marker you can simulate the grain of the wood. Now, stick them on the windows as if you were covering them up. And, between them, place silhouettes of hands and arms as if they wanted to enter your house.

halloween entrance decoration

Halloween is a celebration in which imagination and wanting to scare go hand in hand, so to decorate a house on Halloween you have to think about how you could combine both. Of course, there are many more ideas to put into practice, which ones do you usually do at home? Tell us which decoration is the one you like to do the most.

How to decorate the house on Halloween

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