Substitutes to the lawn | Gardening On


The grass is widely used to cover the garden, however it is a grass that requires numerous care. Care must be taken that weeds do not grow, that the grass don’t grow too big, etc. In fact, because of this we probably have a need to buy a manual lawn mower, a gasoline lawn mower, among other types that exist.

Therefore, we can use other types of plants that substitute to the lawn. Plants that do not require so much care and that also can give some flower and leave a very beautiful garden and not as dull as just with the lawn.

It is true that we can use another type of materials to use in the garden as an alternative to grass. I’m talking about elements like gravel or tree bark. Artificial materials can also be used, even artificial grass, but this doesn’t look as good as real plants.

The plants that we can use in the garden are upholstery. An identical substitute for grass is the Zoysia japonica. This plant has all the advantages that grass does not have, since it is very resistant, supports long periods of drought, grows very slowly, so it does not have to be mowed very often. The only problem is reproduction, since it has to be through rhizome cuttings.

The Dichondra Repens It is one of those plants that can be used, since its leaves are very pretty, round and small. It spreads very well, making it ideal as a substitute for grass. Its care is minimal, it does not require constant mowing, one watering every four days and perfectly withstands light trampling. It reproduces through seeds.

The Aptenia Cordifolia o Frost is another very beautiful upholstery plant, as it produces pink flowers. It has a rapid development and is a low plant, ideal for covering small gardens. Irrigation is scarce and it likes direct sun. Its reproduction, like the Dichondra, is by seeds.

More information – Low watering lawns, the choice for environmentalists.

Substitutes to the lawn | Gardening On

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