How to make a garden eraser

How to make a garden eraser

Surely more than once you have wanted to change the design of your garden but you have not known how to do it without changing anything directly. That is to say, how to make a garden eraser That really makes you see if the change you want to make is the one you need or if you have to do it in another way.

However, the truth is that it is easy to create garden drafts and achieve that change that you are waiting for. Do you know how it should be done? Find out below and you will see the most useful tool to sketch the changes without making them definitively (and get the perfect design for your garden).

What is a garden eraser

What is a garden eraser

A garden draft, also called a garden sketch, is a drawing in which, taking into account what your garden is like, you draw on it what you would like to have. In other words, we are talking about designing your garden on paper, not in reality, in such a way that you do not have to spend more money if you do not like the design but before getting down to work you are in charge of knowing how you want it to be. stay at the end.

This is achieved through the drafts that give a global vision of what the garden could look like once the work and design is completed.

Before, the way you had to make a garden eraser was simply paper and pencil, but now with new technologies many other ways can be used. We will discuss them below.

Ideas for making a rough draft for the garden

Ideas for making a rough draft for the garden

There are many people who have a garden but do not get the most out of it. It may be because it is poorly structured, because good plants or design have not been chosen, or for any other reason. And this is what a garden comp can fix.

But Do you only need paper and pencil for the sketch? Yes and no. First of all, you must take into account what space you have. Because on paper we lose the notion of space and create designs that, at the moment of truth, do not take into account the distance that the plants need, what the structures occupy, etc. With what you can find that your design can only be done in a percentage, but not completely.

In addition to the measurements of the garden, you must also take into account immovable elements, and that may be essential. For example, a water intake to be able to water the plants. If you cannot water them, you will have to use hoses, but removing and putting these on can be cumbersome and in the long run you will get tired (I either leave them on, making the whole look ugly, or you will end up abandoning the garden design you have).

Depending on those fixed elements, and what you want to put, the goal is to design it in a way that is functional. Yes indeed, do not stay alone with the first one out and that you see that it is beautiful, and try to make several. As they are drafts, you can create as many as you want and that will allow you to choose the final one later, or even make a combination of several elements of the different sketches that you have made.

If before we have told you that for the garden sketch you only need paper and pencil, we can tell you that there are more ways to make a garden eraser, and all of them are related to technology. For instance:

Design applications

Our design apps for both Android and iPhone can be a good solution when it comes to landscape.

They have the advantage that they show you the elements of the garden in 3 dimensions, which makes it easier to imagine it in real life.

Design programs

Another option that you can use is design programs, which serve you, among other things, to do the same as the above, but on a laptop or desktop computer.

These usually have more options when designingsince the applications are limited in terms of elements or to locate the spaces well.

In addition, there are some programs that are focused on garden design, which allows you to enter data about spaces, plants, etc. so that the distance between plants is taken into account, the combination between them, etc.

This design can also be done in 3D to show customers or users the before and after. And it allows to control the budget (for certain elements) in addition to the available space.

Drone view

Have you ever seen the images that drones can take from a bird’s eye view? Well in this case, and if you have a drone, you could use it to take a photo to the space you have in your garden.

Once you do, you must download it to your computer and start working with it. We do not mean that you are going to draw, because doing it on the computer is not easy. But you can determine what you would like to have in each area of ​​this.

From paper to reality

From paper to reality

Before finishing, we must point out that you have to understand that a garden draft is one thing and reality is quite another. In other words, we talk about the draft will not be 100% the same as reality.

Many times this is because we think about doing things in one way and then, either because of the budget, or because of other things, we choose a similar design that is not the same. It does not mean that the draft is useless, on the contrary, it does. But you must bear in mind that seeing your drawing (either in the application or by hand) and seeing reality may not be the same.

Sometimes, on paper, we idealize the space, and we do not take into account the available space, the budget, the functionality, etc. These are things that are important afterwards and change the final design.

Still, making a garden sketch is quite useful and shouldn’t be ruled out. Especially if you want to see how that space would look with different garden designs so that you can choose the most suitable for you.

Have you ever made a rough draft for the garden?

How to make a garden eraser

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