How to decorate a rustic garden?

Rustic garden

Are you wondering how to decorate a rustic garden? Of course, this is a type of garden that never goes out of style. It is always a pleasure to have contact with the purest nature, with the one that gives color to your life but also very pleasant sounds and food.

If you have just moved to a house with land or if you were already in one, or if you have just removed the floor from your terrace because you want to put plants in it, then I am going to give you a few ideas so that, sooner rather than later, you can enjoy your own garden with rustic style.

Use native plants or plants with a similar climate

Old house with rustic garden

In a rustic garden It is important that the plants take care of themselves or practically alone; not in vain, what is sought is to have a piece of nature on our land. And of course, the vegetal beings that live in the fields and forests are self-sufficient; no one is going to take care of them . Therefore, the first thing you have to do is a list of the species that on the one hand, you like and know that they fit where you want to put them, and on the other hand that they can adapt well to living in your area.

If you have no idea where to start, here are a few lists:

Reserve a space for the garden

Tomato garden

It is interesting, and a magnificent experience by the way, to grow plants that you know will be useful in the kitchen. In a rustic style garden fruit trees and shrubs, and horticultural herbaceous plants cannot be absent. So do not hesitate to have some copies, because I assure you that you will not regret it .

Here you have a large number of articles about orchard.

Attract wildlife


No self-respecting rustic garden would be such without animalswithout its beneficial insects (bees, ladybugs, butterflies, etc.) or birds. To attract them, it is important to always use natural products (never pesticides or chemical fertilizers), as well as placing shelter-houses and drinkers / feeders, and planting native herbs.

Mind you, be careful with predators. If you have dogs and / or cats, avoid that they go to some areas of the garden.

Enjoy your family and friends in the garden

Garden furniture

Of course, you can not miss the rest area. A set of tables with wooden chairs, for example, will combine perfectly with the rest of the decorative elements of the garden. You can take advantage of the shade of a large tree if you don’t want to use too many material things, or buy a pergola that doesn’t look bad either :

Pergola and furniture

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What did you think of this topic? I hope you were able to come up with some ideas for your rustic garden.

How to decorate a rustic garden?

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