Perform domestic vermicomposting step by step


The main objective of the domestic vermicomposting It is caring for the environment, trying to somehow eradicate the levels of environmental pollution that we promote on a daily basis, since it is clear that the culture and eating habits of the average human being generate a large amount of organic waste, generally in the kitchen. .

When we talk about organic wasteWe refer to those pieces of food that are not used in the preparation of our breakfasts, lunches, snacks or dinners, such as the skin of fruits or vegetables, the crown of strawberries or pineapples or the trunk of broccoli.


All these wastes (organic waste), when they are disposed of incorrectly, they usually end up with the rest of the ordinary garbagesuch as plastics, papers, glass, dirt from pets or from the daily cleaning of our houses.

This junction of common household waste On a large scale, when decomposing it generates tons of methane, a toxic gas more harmful than carbon dioxide and this process ends up collaborating with what we know as the greenhouse effect.

However there is a way to see the positive side of these wastes, eliminating contamination levels at the same time that we create free and good quality compost for our plants or crops through the composting.

Composting and Vermicomposting

Composting is a process that ends up being beneficial for our plants, this It is given from the use of plant remains by converting them into organic matter.


To carry out this process it is necessary to have a garden available, as it ends up being very necessary a large space located outside the house. The positive of this process is that due to the large amount of space that must be available, a lot of plant material can be assimilated.


Compost worms

The execution of this process is similar, however it is much more practicalsince only a suitable container is required and it can be located in any corner in the interior of their houses.

On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that the complexity that its elaboration supposedly supposes is totally false, so in this post we will provide the crafting tools simpler for you to find on the web.

Also, highlight that the myth of the “bad smell” that expels the development of this process is not entirely truesince there are some guidelines for its execution that will allow to keep the area clean and free of bad odors. Bad odor in vermicomposting is a sign of poor application technique.

How to make vermicomposting?

The first step is without a doubt, have a vermicompostersince the vermicomposter is the main tool for the execution of this organic process that will give us as a final product, a high quality fertilizer for the benefit of your plants.

The vermicomposter can have the size or diameter of preferencebut if there is something as a rule of this team, it is that it must comply with a certain structure and characteristic.

It must have aeration, since the vermicomposting process requires the presence of worms that accelerate the development of the activity.

The chosen container must have holes that allow air flow inside the vermicomposterThis will prevent improper food decomposition and subsequent generation of bad odors. The appropriate shape for the containers to choose from is a tray shape, that is, elongated and low in height.

Preparation of the vermicomposter


Three packages are required, preferably plastic, wood or cardboardthat comply with the characteristics indicated above

These containers will be located one on top of the other, in the form of a tower, in addition must be connected by holes that allow the flow of both worms and fluids, collaborating with a proper decomposition of organic waste

They should also have holes in the sides for the oxygen flow.

After having all the structure created, it should be done a bed for vermicompostingit is advisable to make this bed with newspaper cut into strips and moistened

On this bed, we add the vegetable scraps that we are generating in our kitchen and finally, we must add the worms with a few handfuls of earth.

Perform domestic vermicomposting step by step

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