How to take care of the garden in spring

Garden in spring

Spring alters the sap. Plants, as temperatures begin to rise leaving behind the risk of frost, begin to fill with leaves and beautiful flowers, a sign that life is returning to the garden. In this age, every gardener has to take care of his green space with care so that pests and diseases do not appear.

For this reason, I’m going to tell you how to take care of the garden in spring. By following these tips, your paradise will continue to be what it is: an incredible place to enjoy nature.

Control wild herbs

Wild herbs

After the rains, a beautiful and tidy garden can turn into a grassy jungle in a matter of a few weeks. It must be said that the herbs themselves are harmless for the plants that make up the garden, but since they have a much faster growth rate than that of the former, if they were not controlled they would end up having problems.

With this in mind, wild grasses must be removed from at least the surroundings of ornamental plants. To make the place look more beautiful, it is highly recommended to remove all of them, either with a hoe if it is a small garden, with a motor hoe if it is medium or with a walking tractor if its big.

Water more often

Watering hose

Although it is true that the sun is not as intense as it will be in summer and that, therefore, the earth remains a little more humid than during the mentioned season, when plants resume their growth they need more water than during winter . For this reason, you have to water more often preventing the soil from drying out. But when?

The best time is eveningpassing the central hours of the day. In this way, the risk of the “magnifying glass effect” is avoided, that is, the leaves being burned by the sun when the sun’s rays hit the water.

Re-fertilize your plants

Organic fertilizer for plants

If we want them to grow with strength and health, we must resume the subscription calendar. During the spring and summer the garden will require a series of fertilizer doses so that it can be seen and healthy. In nurseries and garden stores we will find a wide variety of fertilizers, both organic and mineral. Depending on the plant in question that we want to pay, it will be more advisable to choose one or the other.

Thus, if they are for human consumption, we will pay them with organic fertilizers (compost, earthworm humus, manure, guano); but if they are ornamental, we can pay them with mineral fertilizerslike Nitrofoska.

Rejuvenate your green space by pruning

Fruit pruning

At the end of winter-beginning of spring it is time to prune, to rejuvenate some plants. We must remove dead, dry, weak branches and those that last year did not give flower or / or fruit. We can also clamp (cut 2-3 pairs of leaves from each stem) the aromatic or other types of herbaceous in order to produce new and more compact.

We do not have to forget about using previously sanitized garden tools with pharmacy alcohol. After use, we must clean them again to avoid infections.

Have a happy spring .

How to take care of the garden in spring

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