As well as rose bushes, they can suffer from some problems such as pests that affect their growth and flowering. They can also suffer from diseases that will affect their development and flower quality in the same way.

Our diseases in roses They can be of 3 types: produced by fungi, by bacteria or produced by viruses. Diseases caused by fungi are the most frequent, while those caused by bacteria and viruses are rarer.

Our most frequent diseases are:

  • Powdery mildew: Powdery mildew, also known as bad white, is one of the most frequent diseases in rose bushes. This disease is characterized by the appearance of a white powder on the leaves, flowers and stems of the rose bush. Generally they produce a discoloration in the leaves, until they generate that these dry and fall. To control this type of disease, we must anticipate the appearance of white powder. You can apply sulfur, during the morning or late afternoon hours, on the ground to stop the mites.
  • Mildew: Like powdery mildew, mildew is one of the most common and harmful diseases for roses. This disease is characterized by the fact that yellow spots and a kind of gray mold begin to appear on the leaves of the roses. This disease is more common in times of high humidity and rain and is transmitted quickly and easily to other leaves and plants, so it is very important to treat it in time. To control it, we must avoid its appearance with systemic fungicides.

  • La Roya: If your rose bush is suffering from this disease, you will surely have already detected it. Rust is characterized by presenting a series of orange bumps on the back of the leaves, however during the summer they will not be orange but black bumps. Leaves that have been attacked will weaken and eventually fall off. Although it is easy to avoid this disease, and can be treated with the same treatments used with powdery mildew and mildew, I recommend using specific products to treat rust. Remember that leaves that have already been affected cannot be cured, but we can prevent others from becoming infected.