Bird from paradise

The spectacular flower of the Bird from paradisewhose scientific name is Queen StrelitziaIs a plant herbaceous perennial that, without a doubt, will give us great satisfaction.

Its striking flowers will give a special touch to the place where we place it.

The Bird of Paradise grows to a height of approximately two meters. Its leaves are very large, oval, approximately 50cm long, grayish-green in color.

Its flowers, which emerge from the beak, are made up of three yellow sepals and three blue petals. Between five and eight flowers come out of each flower stem. It is a plant with abundant floweringfor several months a year. It is highly recommended to plant it in groups to have continuous flowers.

Queen Strelitzia

The care that the Bird of Paradise needs are the following:

  • We will place it in a semi-shady place, where it does not receive direct sun.
  • Watering should be weekly in spring and summer, and biweekly the rest of the year. It does not tolerate waterlogging. If we have it planted in the garden, once established, it will tolerate drought.
  • We can pay it from March to October, with a universal fertilizer, following the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • It resists weak frosts without problems (down to -3º if they last a short time). If this temperature is exceeded in winter, it should be stored indoors or in a greenhouse.
  • It adapts to almost any type of soil, but prefers well-drained and calcareous soils.
  • To bloom, it needs a temperature above ten degrees.

It is one of the plants that is most used as a cut flower, since its flowers last a long time.

It is not a plant that usually has problems or diseases, however, it can be attacked by mealybugs which must be eradicated with a specific product.

It reproduces by division of the bush or by direct sowing after previous soaking.

Image – esacademic, Useful Home

More information – Tips for caring for outdoor plants