How do you have to take care of the white orchid so that it is healthy?

The white orchid is a very pretty plant

The white orchid It is a very beautiful and elegant plant that attracts a lot of attention and that, in addition, makes any corner of the home -or the garden if it is tropical- look wonderful. But do you know how to take care of it?

If you want to learn how to keep her completely healthy and happy, then I’m going to talk to you about everything you need to know about it so that it is much easier for you to be able to contemplate it for a large number of years .

Origin and characteristics

White orchid called Phalaenopsis lovely

Image – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The white orchid it is an epiphytic plantthat is, it grows on the branches of trees, native to the tropical jungles of Southeast Asia. Its leaves are evergreen, glossy, somewhat leathery in texture, and green in color. The roots are aerial, thick, white except when they come into contact with water, which is when they turn green, thus contributing to photosynthesis.

Remember that plants are green due to chlorophyll, a pigment that is also essential for them to produce food from solar energy and the carbon dioxide they absorb).

Our flowers They arise from a long stem, about 90 centimeters, and are composed of three sepals (pieces that shape the calyx) and three petals. These are quite large, about 4 centimeters, and sprout in spring although they can also do it in summer and even in autumn in climates without frost.

What is the scientific name of the white orchid?

The quintessential white orchid is the Lovely Phalaenopsisand is also known as the moon orchid. Anyway, you have to know that there is another, which is the Phalaenopsis equestrisbut this species also produces flowers of other colors (pink, purple, more purple).

How is your care?

The Phalaenopsis plant produces flowers that can be white

If you want to have a copy, here is how to take care of it:


It is a plant that, depending on the climate, can be indoors, outdoors, or anywhere, so let’s see where to put it:

  • Outdoor: if you live in a place where frosts never occur and where temperatures stay above 10ºC, you can grow it outside all year round. Place it in a bright area but without direct sun.
  • Interior: If it is cold where you live, keep it in a bright room, away from drafts (both cold and warm), and with high humidity (this can be achieved with a humidifier, or by placing containers with water around).


Moderate. It is recommended to let the substrate dry a bit before watering again. Use rainwater, osmosis, or lime-free.

I do not advise wetting the leaves, much less the flowers, as they could rot.


As substrate or soil it is advisable to use soil for orchids (on sale here!).

If you are going to have it in the garden, on a tree, use compost, or sphagnum moss (for sale here!).


The white orchid flower is very pretty

Use specific fertilizers for orchidsfollowing the indications specified on the package. You can get it here!.


With scissors previously disinfected with pharmacy alcohol, remove dry leaves and wilted flowers as you watch them.

Planting or transplanting time

The white orchid is a plant that it has to be placed in the garden or changed pot in spring. If you have it in a container, you should know that it does not require many transplants since it tolerates small pots well, but always use transparent plastic pots (on sale here!).


The Lovely Phalaenopsis multiplies by seeds, which will only germinate if they are in symbiosis with a mycorrhizal fungus, but also by keikis. The keikis are the suckers that produce the floral rods, which are separated from the mother plant in the following way:

  1. First, you have to hope that they have some roots.
  2. Then, with previously disinfected scissors, cut them.
  3. Lastly, plant them in individual pots, and water them.

Plagues and diseases

It is very resistant, but if the environment is dry it can be affected by mealybugs that can be easily removed with a brush soaked in alcohol.

mealybug infestation

Related article:

What are mealybugs?

If, on the other hand, it is very humid or if it is watered excessively, the mushrooms their roots will rot and their leaves may rot if they are pulverized. Treat with copper or powdered sulfur, space the waterings and avoid spraying, especially in autumn-winter.


As we said, it does not resist frost or cold. Its ideal temperature range is between 18 and 35ºC.

What is the meaning of the white orchid?

Humans have a tendency to put meaning to everything, and this flower could not be less. If they give you one, that person will be telling you that the love they feel for you is pure and true. Also, you should know that also symbolizes wisdom, peace, transparency and sophistication.

At what price is it sold and where to buy?

It depends a lot on the seller and the size of the plant, but it is usually round between 15 and 30 €. If you don’t get it in nurseries, you can buy it from here:

How do you have to take care of the white orchid so that it is healthy?

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