Characteristics and necessary care of Tillandsia cyanea

Decoration with Tillandsia cyanea

Each garden must have a decoration according to the style of each person. Many are the species of plants whose flowering adds very beautiful colors and that improves the aesthetics completely. One of these plants is the tillandsia cyanea. Its common name is the pink feather. It is a plant whose flowers have a quite striking color and can combine very well with other plants. On the other hand, it has the great advantage of not needing much care so that it can show all its splendor.

In this article we are going to tell you how you should take care of the tillandsia cyanea and what characteristics do you have. You can get the most out of this plant and improve the decoration of your garden.

Key features

Tillandsia cyanea in pot

This plant is of the epiphytic type and belongs to the genus Tillandsia. Within this genus we have the bromeliad family where the bromeliads. By ello, This plant is in high demand thanks to its striking colors. The advantage that it offers us with respect to other plants is the ease of its care. It is no wonder that when we say that it is easy to care for, people are completely unconcerned. This is not the case either. The plant needs some basic requirements in order to function well.

Its foliage grows in a rosette with the leaves arranged in a curved way. It has a red inflorescence from which purple flowers grow. The plant is worth having in the garden. If we need to have a plant that serves as a center of attention or as something more striking, we can also have it indoors in a pot.

Another of the common names apart from the pink feather by which this plant is known is the cock. It is native to tropical and subtropical climates. The distribution area where the greatest abundance of tillandsia cyanea We find it is from 800 meters high and in the countries of Peru and Ecuador. In these areas, the temperatures are higher and the humidity too. We will have to take these aspects into account to develop it in optimal environmental conditions for it.

It is an aerial plant, so it could live on another plant perfectly without parasitizing it. This is taken into account when distributing your plantations to make more elaborate color combinations.

How to cultivate the tillandsia cyanea

tillandsia cyanea

We are going to analyze step by step everything you need to know to grow this plant and get the most out of it. This plant needs a mixture of peat and perlite if you want to cultivate it successfully. At the time of sowing it, you can do it through seeds or suckers. Suckers are usually chosen since the growth process is faster.

A semi or full shade location is required. This means that it can also be grown indoors since it is not very demanding of sunlight when the roots are developing. Leave them for a while to root well and then you can transfer it to its final place.

In general, they need some care to keep them in good condition. It depends a lot on the place where we are going to place it. If you have everything you need in that place, you will have to take less care of it. The care varies a lot whether we have it indoors or outdoors. We are going to analyze step by step what care you need.

Floor and lighting

Tillandsia cyanea flower detail

The soil where we are going to plant it has to be a mixture of coarse sand, with peat and fertilized earth in equal parts. In this way, we will be giving it the necessary nutrients so that it can grow and, in addition, it can maintain a certain humidity. Perlite is a good option to create a more favorable environment for its growth.

Since we are talking about an aerial plant, you can put it on a log or on top of a stone to combine some more interesting decoration effects. If we sow it in these places, Keep in mind that you will have to water it more frequently. This is because in the logs and in the stones it has no way of obtaining water as in the previously mentioned soil mixture.

As for lighting, you need full sunlight when you have already rooted. However, it is not advisable to have it in the sun too long, especially in summer. We will look for places where it can have a few hours of sunlight, but where the shade is regulated. One indicator that you are not getting enough sunlight is that leaves stain darker and elongate. This indicates that we need to transfer them to a place with a greater amount of sun.

On the other hand, if we have it indoors, we will have to place them near the window where you can enjoy and take advantage of a few hours of sunshine a day.

Temperature and irrigation

Tillandsia cyanea flower color

The temperature at which this plant grows best is between 12 and 25 degrees. Remember that they come from tropical places where the temperatures are higher as well as the humidity. If at night there are temperatures below 5 degrees, it will be necessary to protect them with something.

They do not tolerate excess humidity well, so they should be kept in a place with good ventilation. Thus, we will be preventing the roots from rotting or the irrigation water from accumulating.

As it does not require a lot of humidity, we will not need to water it a lot. If we notice that the leaves begin to wither, it is because they lack water. We must not flood the plant. Simply water it as a spray. If we place it in a sunnier place, it will need a little more watering. In the summer and spring time, it is advisable to increase the frequency of watering to at least twice a week.

For watering, we will not only use tap water. You have to prepare a solution of 25% distilled water and 75% tap water.

I hope that with these tips you can enjoy your tillandsia cyanea and make the most of the color of its flowers.

Characteristics and necessary care of Tillandsia cyanea

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