Young trees in a garden

Young trees in a garden

Planting a tree is one of the most wonderful experiences any gardener or gardener can have. It is to give a living being the opportunity to have magnificent growth and development by giving its root system all the space they need. But if done wrong, it can seriously harm you.

To avoid this, we have to use the right tools and do it in the most appropriate season. Let’s see what does it take to plant a tree with guarantees of success.

When to plant a tree in the garden?

Generally, it is much more recommended to do it at the end of winterwhen the risk of frost has passed; However, if we live in an area with mild autumns and winters, where the temperature does not drop more than -2º or -3ºC, we can plant it without problems towards the end of summer.

Why can’t it be done in the middle of spring or summer? The answer is simple: the plant is full of life. The sap, which is produced in large quantities, circulates through the vessels found within the trunk and branches. If we made a wound or if a root was split, it would lose enough of this sap which would weaken it.

What does it take to plant it?

Garden how

garden hoe

It will depend on the size of the tree, both the one it has now and the one it will have once it reaches adulthood. It is very important to choose the right location thinking about the space it will occupy when it finishes growing.otherwise sooner or later we would be forced to extract or cut it down.

Starting from this, What tools are needed?

  • Hoe: it is one of the basic gardening tools. There are several sizes: there are smaller ones and others larger and heavier. If the tree is small, 1 meter high or less, a small one will suffice, unless we want to make the hole quickly in which case we would take a large one.
  • Pico: if we have a very hard terrain or with a lot of stone, the peak will be very useful.
  • Water: either in a watering can or in a bucket. After planting it is necessary to water.
  • Gloves: recommended to avoid ending up with sores on the hands caused by repetitive movement and the effort involved in digging a hole with the hoe.
  • Garden wheelbarrow: Especially advisable if we want to improve the soil that we have extracted from the hole by mixing it with organic fertilizers or substrates that facilitate drainage (perlite, expanded clay balls, river sand).
  • Appropriate clothingAlthough it is true that if we want to plant a young tree -which we can take with one hand- clothes are the least of it, if it is a good-sized tree for our own safety we will have to wear gardening boots, in addition to all the parts (except the face, of course) covered.

I hope it has been useful to you .