How to prune and stalk aubergines?

prune and stalk aubergines

pruning and staking eggplants

The whole process must start with the preparation of a seedbed and the eggplant seeds are sown in the winter season and then transplanted to the garden at the end of it or at the beginning of spring.

Then it is time to carry out the necessary care of the cultivation of aubergines to ensure that the plants grow healthy and the harvest comes to fruition.

How to do the process of staining the aubergines

cultivation of aubergines

I grow eggplants

Pruning and training are part of the care of the cultivation of aubergines, Today we will explain how to do it in a simple way.

First of all, the eggplant plant can develop well without the need for a tutor, however, whoever wants to make sure its cultivation is 100% healthy and that not a single one of the aubergines is damaged here we leave you the information on how to place it without causing damage to the plant.

The same weight of the fruit can break the branch that supports it or allow it to be damaged if it remains at ground level for a long time.

The staking is done before the plant begins to bear fruit, for this we will need a rod or stake at least one meter high, which is resistant so that the weight of the plant and the fruits do not pull it. It is important to know that the eggplant plant reaches a height of between 75 centimeters and a meter, so a stick of this height is more than enough.

We place the rod about ten centimeters away from the plant and bury it at a depth of more or less twenty centimeters, with the help of a ribbon we loosely tie the main stem of our eggplant plant to the rod, this procedure must be repeated as the plant grows.

This procedure brings great benefits to the cultivation of aubergines since if you keep the plant upright it will receive more oxygen, it will have better hydration and more sun, which will promote flowering and the subsequent sprouting of the fruits, we also avoid at all costs that they come into contact with the ground and spoil.

Who would want to lose the harvest after so much care? Without a doubt, the process of training the plant is of the utmost importance.

Pruning the eggplant plant

the pruning of the aubergine

eggplant pruning

We must bear in mind that there is two types of pruning that should be applied to the cultivation of aubergines, a first call “of formation” and that should be carried out approximately one month and a half of the plant’s life provided that the main stem has already generated new branches.

In the formation pruning, the objective is to leave a minimum of 2 or a maximum of 4 arms to favor the aeration process and keep the formation of the harmful fungi that can damage our plant at bay.

We must know that the aubergine plant normally has three arms, if we want to leave a fourth we will try to make it a main branch and we will only leave a bud.

The second pruning is done so that the fruits are given earlier than usual and to improve quality of the aubergine, the way to do it is by eliminating the leaves that come out of the main stem, especially those that sprout below the branches or arms.

Eliminate the small shoots or suckers that appear at the juncture of the ramifications, favors the correct aeration of the plant and helps to strengthen the main stem. It is important to maintain permanent care of the plant, we must be attentive to the leaves and shoots that are constantly sprouting from the main stems and remove them carefully, the smaller they are, the better because it means that they have not removed many nutrients from the rest of the plant. .

Check the fruits and remove those that are in poor condition or that show signs of disease since the cultivation of aubergines is sensitive enough for these to affect their development.

How to prune and stalk aubergines?

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